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He's not going to do us much harm. England's a deal tougher proposition than he thinks. It's you women who get up such a hullabaloo I declare you make politics a perfect devilry! But then" he shrugged his shoulders fiercely "I'm not going to waste time in arguing. I just came to tell you what I intend to do; and then I'm going up to town. I've ordered the motor for seven o'clock."

It's life and death, and we need the engine." A bewhiskered face thrust itself through the opening, carefully pulling the flap below to cut off a fleeting glimpse of bare legs and loose shirt. "What ye take us for? Night nurses? Think we're taking shifts keeping Mollie snuggled up warm o' nights? Go away and change yeer dhrinks. What's the hullabaloo anyway? Short o' tobacco?

As our car halted, the cheer-leader gave a signal, and a hundred throats let out in unison: "Rickety zim, rickety zam, Brickety, stickety, slickety slam! Wallybaloo! Billybazoo! We are the boys for a hullabaloo Western City!" It sounded all the more deafening, because Bertie, in the front seat, had joined in. "Hello!" said I. "We must have won the ball-game!"

She was quite small and crouched as she was upon the floor before the fire she even seemed childish quite too unimportant a creature to have made such a hullabaloo in this small world of ours. Nevertheless I felt justified in keeping silence and even in listening to their conversation. "You didn't mean it," I heard Jerry ask, "about all those girls' mothers, did you?" She laughed.

B.J. was now so well satisfied with his live ballast that he began once more to sing and make a mad hullabaloo of pure enjoyment. He finally grew careless, and forgot himself and the eternal alertness that is necessary for a good skipper. Just one moment he let his mind wander, and that moment was enough. The boat, without warning to either B.J. or Reddy, jibed!

He looked at the letter. "Lem Hallowell' says there hain't nobody to take it." "Jonah Winch's!" exclaimed Wetherell. "Jonah made it go, but that was before all this hullabaloo about Temperance Cadets and what not. Jonah sold good rum, but now you can't get nothin' in Coniston but hard cider and potato whiskey.

When the tribes make dances for us, they won't know that a beautiful white lady, in a golden decolleté gown, is seated before them, as happy as if that hullabaloo were a ballet by Stravinsky." In the twilight, by a road hemmed in with sumac, they came to a small, rustic restaurant, which perched on a cliff above the waters of the Sound.

"I suppose it was caused by the hullabaloo of the people, frightened out of their wits. It is the same as when a hue and cry is raised about a dog. If he isn't mad, he will soon become so. But, madam, we are very anxious to secure the animal before he is killed or seriously injured. We will pay a good reward for his recapture." "How much?" asked Tom, to the surprise of his relatives.

It was quite true that at fifty-seven he was not a thing of beauty, but he had a heart of gold and was beloved by all the men and children who knew him. Certainly it is quite doubtful if he could have been all this had he married even the woman of his choice. One day there came to the big apartment-house where lived Mr. Hamshaw and his two servants a most uncommon hullabaloo and sensation.

Having exhausted the repertoire of the hullabaloo, he initiated the turbaned warriors into the mystery of unwinding tunes, thereby cementing the friendship forever. The general din and excitement grew fearful.