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And she told what soft linen they had had at dinner, and pink bowls to rinse their hands, and a man in a red waistcoat to wait upon them. "Isn't she wonderful! Just like a lady born," said Jamie. John Hughson, a neighbor, took his pipe from his mouth and nodded open-mouth assent. "And she talks a little Spanish, and can dance!" "It's time such little tots were in bed," said Mrs.

As a result of these and other disclosures it was seen that not only Hughson and Romme but also Ury, who was not so much a priest as an adventurer, had instigated the plots of the Negroes; and Quack testified that Hughson was the first contriver of the plot to burn the houses of the town and kill the people, though he himself, he confessed, did fire the fort with a lighted stick.

Nothing that yet had happened in her little life had enraged Miss Mercedes as did this. She inly vowed that some day she would remember the man, to cut him. And so she had Hughson take her home.

I have made her nay, she was one like a lady. You would not let her marry Master Harley." "I never" the old gentleman interrupted. Jamie waved his hand. "They would not, I mean, sir. She will not marry John Hughson. You are a gentleman, sir, and could tell me if I would be taking an unfair advantage if I asked her to marry me. I am sure I love her enough."

The commotion of 1741 was a panic among the whites of high and low degree, prompted in sequel to a robbery and a series of fires by the disclosures of Mary Burton, a young white servant concerning her master John Hughson, and the confessions of Margaret Kerry, a young white woman of many aliases but most commonly called Peggy, who was an inmate of Hughson's disreputable house and a prostitute to negro slaves.

Bowdoin bolted down the stairs. So Mr. Bowdoin hurried up the street to the bank, half chuckling, half angry, still. And then he went back to the bank, and asked if Mr. Harleston Bowdoin had got there yet. Mr. Stanchion told him no. By that time it was after eleven. But Mr. Old Mrs. Hughson met him at the door, grateful and tearful. Yes, young Mr. She feared poor McMurtagh was very ill.

At length a rumor passed through the town that Hughson had turned into a negro, and the negro into a white man. This was a new mystery, and day after day crowds would come and gaze on the strange transformation, some thinking it supernatural, and others trying to give an explanation.

Hughson was hung in chains; and in a few days a negro was placed beside him, and here they swung, "blind and blackening," in the April air, in full view of the tranquil bay, a ghastly spectacle to the fishermen as they plied their vocation near by. For three weeks they dangled here in sunshine and storm, a terror to the passers-by.

Hughson's house on the outskirts of the town was a resort for Negroes, and Hughson himself aided and abetted the Negro men in any crime that they might commit. Romme was of similar quality. Peggy was a prostitute, and it was Cæsar who paid for her board with the Hughsons.

But after taking the oath, she refused to say anything about the fire. A theft had been traced to Hughson, and she told all she knew about that, but about the fires would neither deny nor affirm anything. They then appealed to her conscience painted before her the terrors of the final judgment, and the torments of hell, till at last she broke down, and proposed to make a clean breast of it.