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From a careful study of these valuable records Sir William Huggins derived the idea of a possible mode of photographing the corona without an eclipse. As already stated, its ordinary invisibility is entirely due to the "glare" or reflected light diffused through our atmosphere.

He was unacquainted with the interior, and knew only that the way through the kitchens, by which he had come, led to the kitchen garden and missed the children's quarters. Avoiding this, and opening a door at random a door on his right he stepped into the bare drawing-room. Miss Sally followed, and Mrs. Huggins at her heels, protesting. Mr. Hucks brought up the rear.

At all events, there he was, and in charge of the boat." "You saw him? Spoke to him?" "To be accurate, he spoke to me down the coal-shaft, as I was examining it. I judged him to be simulating drunkenness. But his voice was a cultivated one I should recognise it anywhere; and Mrs. Huggins, who saw and spoke with him, describes him as a long-faced man, of gentlemanly bearing, with a furred collar."

Huggins' blind haste was deaf to everything but the clang of the starting lever and the grind of the big wheels. Grabbing the rail, he swung aboard, a half-filled pail clutched tight. And Murphy had only time to knock it from his hand to save the seven of them from one last gush of flame. Huggins swore deeply, swept a black arm across his dripping eyes, and leaned out to estimate their speed.

Thus, Sir William and Lady Huggins photographed several ultra-violet oxygen lines in Beta Lyræ, and found in Rigel signs of the presence of nitrogen, which, as well as silicium, proves to be a tolerably frequent constituent of such orbs. For some unknown reason, metalloids tend to become effaced, as metals, in the normal course of stellar development, exert a more and more conspicuous action. Dr.

Huggins, the scrub-woman of the village, trying to squeeze a wide table through a narrow door, while Noah, their half-witted chore-boy, was beating carpets on the lawn, he knew it was spring house-cleaning. This the doctor vowed was worse than a fire and as bad as a moving, for Martha never would do one room at a time, but must upset the whole house at once and dump everything outdoors.

The speed of twelve miles a second, assigned to the solar translation, approximates doubtless very closely to the truth. A successful beginning was made in nebular spectrography by Sir William Huggins, March 7, 1882. Five lines in all stamped themselves upon the plate during forty-five minutes of exposure to the rays of the strange object in Orion.

"'It ain't no question of Leavenworth, argues Peets; 'sech thoughts is figments. Yere's how it'll be. Huggins comes chargin' up, hungerin' for blood. You-all is r'ared back yere with that 10-gauge, all organized, an' you coldly downs him. Thar ain't no jury, an' thar ain't no Vigilance Committee, in Arizona, who's goin' to carp at that a little bit.

The r'ar gyard of them ants has long since retired with the final fragments of Locoed Charlie. "You-all might o' seen the story. Colonel Sterett writes it up in the Coyote, an' heads it, 'Hunger is a Terrible Thing. This sot Charlie comin' to his death that a-way puts a awful scare over Huggins an' Old Monte. It reforms 'em for more'n two hours.

I said, smiling at her. "'Tis cruel to talk so," she cried, sobbing. "How can I be with 'ee? What you get from Lawyer Vetch won't keep two if you get anything at all. They say his nephew has ruined him the wretch! Indeed, if you ask me, I say you'll get more from Mr. Huggins than from the lawyer.