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Now gazing at it with full thought of all that it had cost me, I saw a little figure come, and pause, and pass into it. Something very light and white, nimble, smooth, and elegant, gone almost before I knew that any one had been there. Having reconnoitred thus the position of the enemy, Master Huckaback, on the homeward road, cross-examined me in a manner not at all desirable.

"Maister Huckaback," he began, pointing with his pipe at him, the end that was done in sealing-wax, "tooching of what you was plaized to zay 'bout this here parish, and no oother, mind me no oother parish but thees, I use the vreedom, zur, for to tell 'e, that thee be a laiar."

Victor, my dear Victor!" continued I, "how great has been my injustice, and what can repay me for your loss?" and I threw myself down on the sofa, as if frantic with grief. "Huckaback," observed the pacha, "it appears to me that in your younger days you were a great scoundrel."

If there be a third anodyne, approaching these two in power, it is to smoke good tobacco well, and watch the setting of the moon; and if this should only be over the sea, the result is irresistible. Master Huckaback showed no especial signs of joy at my return; but received me with a little grunt, which appeared to me to mean, "Ah, I thought he would hardly be fool enough to go."

But we all know old Sir Ensor's name, so that may be no obstacle." "Sir Ensor Doone and his sons so be it. How many sons, Master Huckaback, and what is the name of each one?" "How can I tell you, my lord, even if I had known them all as well as my own shop-boys? Nevertheless there were seven of them, and that should be no obstacle."

The ordinary bedroom towels come next; see how many your mother has, and how each kind is by itself: the hemstitched ones in one pile, the plain huckaback in another; those with colored borders in this one, and the bath towels in that. Any one could come in and get a towel in the dark, sure of taking just the right one.

"Holy Prophet! who can understand such stuff? Speak plain; do you laugh at our beards?" "Min Allah! God forbid! Your servant would indeed eat dirt," replied Huckaback.

I knew, of course, that my dear mother would be greatly moved and vexed, the heirship of Glen Doone not being a very desirable dower, but in spite of that, and all disappointment as to little Ruth Huckaback, feeling my mother's tenderness and deep affection to me, and forgiving nature, I doubted not that before very long she would view the matter as I did.

"Wait till I get my towel," gasped Glyn as he raised his face for a moment, and directly after sounding half-smothered in huckaback, and coming in spasmodic jerks the boy panted out, "I guess it's about four o'clock now. I'll I'll go down and make believe it's six, and ring the big bell. That'll make old Wrench come tumbling out in a fright." "Ah, to be sure; now you are talking sense. Capital!

Here the renegade appeared to be much affected; he covered his face with the wide sleeve of his under garment, and was silent. "By God and his Prophet, these Franks are great fool about women," observed the pacha to Mustapha. "I must own, though, that I like this princess better than Cerise, and I am very sorry that she is dead. Come, Huckaback, go on. Where did you throw yourself?"