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On one occasion, M. Huc and his companions encountered an unusual storm of rain and wind. After travelling several weary miles, Samdad contrived to erect the tent in a place that, for the locality, was tolerable, but no more.

Rocks everywhere broke out on their flanks, and often along their tops, but the general contour of that immense area was very open and undulating, like the great ranges of Central Asia, described by MM. Huc and Gabet.

'Animum curis nunc huc nunc dividit illuc. Virg. When I acquaint my Reader, that I have many other Letters not yet acknowledged, I believe he will own, what I have a mind he should believe, that I have no small Charge upon me, but am a Person of some Consequence in this World. I shall therefore employ the present Hour only in reading Petitions, in the Order as follows. Mr.

"Si in Hungariam proficiscar, erit ignotum omnibus, praeter paucos; quin simulabo me huc venturum, et istos pascam verbis." Another passage strengthens my view, though, at a first glance, it favours Mr. Shepherd's.

They ultimately settled at Macao in 1846, and there compiled the narrative from which we have been quoting. By M. Huc. Translated by W. Hazlitt. London. Among the variety of curious insects which are common to tropical climates, the groogroo worms of the West Indies may be considered particularly interesting.

In the time of Shakespeare, the living tongue resembled that tree which Father Huc saw in Tartary, whose leaves were languaged, and every hidden root of thought, every subtilest fibre of feeling, was mated by new shoots and leafage of expression, fed from those unseen sources in the common earth of human nature.

Quoted by Prichard, 'Physical History of Mankind, 3rd ed. vol. iv. 1844, p. 519; Vogt, 'Lectures on Man, Eng. translat. p. 129. It is well known, as Huc repeatedly remarks, that the Chinese of the interior think Europeans hideous, with their white skins and prominent noses.

I am to pursue the track of the Schlaginweit Brothers; and Colonels Waugh and Webb, and Hodgson; and Huc and Gabet, the missionaries; and Moorecroft and M. Jules Remy, and so many celebrated travelers.

He contrived to escape from prison at Montpellier, and then went about convoking assemblies and preaching to the people as before. Besides these, there were Huc, Corteiz, Durand, Arnaud, Brunel, and Rouviere or Crotte, who all went about from place to place, convoking assemblies and preaching.

MM. Huc and Gabet allude to the same tradition under another form. There is nothing remarkable in the geology of Choongtam: the base of the hill consists of the clay and mica slates overlain by gneiss, generally dipping to the eastward; in the latter are granite veins, containing fine tourmalines.