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What howlin' Lazarites they are! No house is justified in makin' itself a stench in the nostrils of decent " "High-minded, pure-souled boys. Do you burn with remorse and regret?" said McTurk, as they hastened to meet the house coming up from the sea. King had deserted it, so speech was unfettered. Round its front played a crowd of skirmishers all houses mixed flying, reforming, shrieking insults.

If you and Miss Quinn could be seen in the nursery windows dandlin' a baby on each arm, and singin' lullabies to 'em for a few days, it'd attract attention, inspire faith in the timid, and public confidence would be restored. The tide of babies'd turn your way after a while, and the nursery would prove a howlin' success."

"When I feel sorter ugly over my 'spicions," continued Ruggles; "I jest reflect that we've knowed the gal ever since she was a baby and her father tumbled down a hundred feet onto the roof of the Heavenly Bower, with her in his arms in the middle of that howlin' blizzard, when I think of that I say "

"The non-coms tuk Peg Barney a howlin' handful he was an' in three minuts he was pegged out chin down, tight-dhrawn on his stummick, a tent-peg to each arm an' leg, swearin' fit to turn a naygur white. "I tuk a peg an' jammed ut into his ugly jaw.

Sam trimmed the sheet and hauled the Howlin' Mary that's what we called the bot -on the wind, and the other bot did the same, both of us makin' for the same spot. I see it was nip and tuck; and, knowin' that Sam was a master-hand, I says. Sam, yaou take the iron. So we shifted.

I ain't no spishus nigger myse'f, but I 'spizes fer ter year dogs a howlin' an' squinch- owls havin' de agur out in de woods, an' w'en a bull goes a bellerin' by de house den my bones git col' an' my flesh commences fer ter creep; but w'en it comes ter deze yer sines in de a'r an' deze yer sperrits in de woods, den I'm out den I'm done. I is, fer a fack.

"An' I'm not the only wan that doesn't kape to barricks," sez he. I tuk him by the scruff av his neck, my heart was hung on a hair- thrigger those days, you will onderstand an' "Out wid ut," sez I, "or I'll lave no bone av you unbreakable." "Speak to Dempsey," sez he howlin'. "Dempsey which?" sez I, "ye unwashed limb av Satan." "Av the Bob-tailed Dhragoons," sez he.

I've seen a lot o' the big peaks in the Rockies, w'arin' thar white hats o' snow, an' they allers 'pear to me to be alive, lookin' down so solemn an' sometimes so threatenin'. Hark to that, will you! I know it wuz jest the screamin' o' the wind, but it sounded to me like the howlin' o' a thousand demons.

"No harm tryin', I suppose. It keeps King out of mischief." "I swear I thought he was goin' to kill me when I sniffed just now. He didn't mind Burton major sniffin' at me the other day, though. He never stopped Alexander howlin' 'Stinker! into our form-room before before we doctored 'em. He just grinned," said Stalky. "What was he frothing over you for, Beetle?" "Aha! That, was my subtle jape.

"If I'd a knowed, Mister," he mumbled, "that ye'd took my little Midge's hand in yer'n, that ye soothed her when she was a howlin' fer me, I wouldn't have cribbed yer kids I'll be damned if I would 'ave! But I hated ye Christ! how I hated ye! I could only think how ye wouldn't help me." He shuddered, wiped his wet lips, and went on, "After that I went plumb to hell.