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"But bhoys ought to be bhoys. Ye kin go." "Whoop!" yelled Sam. "Hooray!" joined in Yan, with even more interest though with less unrestraint. "But howld on, I ain't through " "I say, Da, we want your gun. We can't go camping without a gun." "Howld on, now. Give me a chance to finish. Ye can go fur two weeks, but ye got to go; no snakin' home nights to sleep. Ye can't hev no matches an' no gun.

"Ah, then, howld yer tongue, Blunderbore!" cried O'Riley, handing the glowing coal demanded, with as much nonchalance as if his fingers were made of cast-iron. "Well, ye see," resumed Buzzby, "when poor Mrs Ellice wos pitched overboard, as I seed her with my own two eyes " "Stop, Buzzby," said Mivins, "'ow was 'er 'ead at the time?" "Shut up!" cried several of the men; "go on, Buzzby."

Clancy that is making all the trouble." "Oh, for the love of God, hear him, now, whin the man was tearin' the hair o' me this minute! Oh, howld him, men! Shure 'tis Captain Rayner wud niver let him go." "What's the matter, Mrs. Clancy?" spoke a quick, stern voice, and Rayner, with face white as a sheet, suddenly stood in their midst. "Oh, God be praised, it's here ye are, captin!

The Indian stood as motionless as a statue, and finally the Irishman drew a deep sigh. "I wonder whether the bullet has reached him yet?" "Reached him!" laughed Howard. "I saw it clip off a piece of rock fully forty feet from him." "Worrah, worrah! but I've ate so much dinner I can't howld the gun stiddy." "I saw it vibrate "

"What art thou doing here, Jem?" cried the hag, regarding him with angry surprise. "Dost thou not see we are surrounded by enemies. I cannot escape them but thou art young and active. Away with thee!" "Not without yo, granny," replied Jem. "Ey ha' run os fast os ey could to help yo. Stick fast howld on me," he added, snatching her up in his arms, "an ey'n bring yo clear off yet."

Taking a bold and masculine stride to the front of the disputers, she turned about and faced them. "Howld yer tongues now, boys, all of you, and listen to what your grandmother's got to say." A shout of laughter cut her short for a few seconds. "That's right, old 'ooman, out with it." "Sure, if ye'd stop your noise I'd out wid it fast enough.

"Biddy, give Yahn some bread." The loaf, evidently the only one, was cut up and two or three slices forced into Yan's plate. "Mebbe the butther is a little hoigh," exclaimed the hostess, noting that Yan was sparing of it. "Howld on." She went again to the corner shelf and got down an old glass jar with scalloped edge and a flat tin cover. It evidently contained jam.

Ate yer dinner, lad, and howld yer tongue." "O Ned, I didn't think your jealousy would show out so strong," retorted his comrade. "Now, then, Dumsby, fire away, if it was only to aggravate him." Thus pressed, Joe Dumsby took a deep draught of the small-beer with which the men were supplied, and began a song of his own composition.

"Shut up, Flynn!" cried one of the men, who was trying to decipher a letter, the penmanship of which was obviously the work of an unaccustomed hand. "Howld it upside down; sometimes they're easier to read that way more sinsible-like," retorted the corporal. "Blessin's on your sweet face!" exclaimed Armstrong, looking at a photograph which he had just extracted from his letter.

The minit the door opened, the divil runs and hides himself behind a big elbow-chair; and the colonel was frekened almost out of his siven sinses by raison of the sudden death of his poor lady, let alone the jeopardy he was in himself, seein' how the divil had forestalled him every way; and after ringin' his bell and callin' to his sarvants and recoverin' his daughter out of her faint, he was goin' away wid her out of the room, whin the divil caught howld of him by the skirt of the coat, and the colonel was obleeged to let his daughter be carried out by the sarvants, and shut the door afther them.