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You see, you are now in touch with certain violent emotions, desires, purposes, still active in this house, that were produced in the past by some powerful and evil personality that lived here. How long ago, or why they still persist so forcibly, I cannot positively say. But I should judge that they are merely forces acting automatically with the momentum of their terrific original impetus."

"Ah, my Minnie is a pearl," murmured Wharton, looking tenderly back at her. "You seem to be much attached to each other," said Clary, cordially. "Oh, my lady, how could it be otherwise? We have not been separated from each other since twenty years; we have common remembrances which we can never forget." "If I am not mistaken, you said before that Mrs. Wharton was a widow?"

"Hang it!" was Stanley's answer, "what a d d old heretic you are!" Felix frowned. "Am I? Be honest! Take the life of a Malloring and take it at its best; see how it stands comparison in the ordinary virtues with those of an averagely good specimen of a farm-laborer.

I do not know how otherwise to describe the effort of proud, helpless femininity, which would have struck the close observer in Miss Vervain. "Delicious!" she said, in a deep voice, which conveyed something of this anxiety in its guarded tones, and yet was not wanting in a kind of frankness. "Did you mean them for me, Mr. Ferris?" "I didn't, but I do," answered Mr. Ferris.

She did not know, nobody could know, how steadily, how silently all this artificial life was draining the veins and blanching the cheek of her daughter Bathsheba, one of the everyday, air-breathing angels without nimbus or aureole who belong to every story which lets us into a few households, as much as the stars and the flowers belong to everybody's verses.

We must dismiss the notion of God's desertion of the trusting soul. He is always the same; He has 'never said to the seed of Jacob, Seek ye Me in vain. But while putting aside that false explanation, we can see how such darkness may be. If our religious life was in more vigorous exercise, more pure, perfect and continuous, there would be no separation of faith and the joy of faith.

I cannot describe how sweet, after our gloomy journey, the sunlight appeared, as we first marked it play in golden waves over the long grass; or the relief we felt at being able to gaze ahead once more and see something of the country that we were traversing. 'Twas like a sudden release from prison.

Presently MacPhairrson straightened up on his crutches, turned, and gulped down a lump in his throat. "I reckon we'll be mighty contented here," said he, "me an' Stumpy, an' Butters, an' Bones. But I wisht as how I might git to have Ananias-an'-Sapphira back along with us. I'm goin' to miss that there bird a lot, fer all she was so ridiculous an' cantankerous.

I spent about three hours over the Word and in prayer, this evening, which has been a great refreshment to my inner man. April 29. How did God bless us in everything we took into our hands! The aisles, the pulpit stairs, and the vestry were filled, and multitudes went away on account of the want of room. April 30.

"How very characteristic that is of the way we have to avoid giving countenance to any movement or change of opinion till it is backed by a majority." "Is it not our duty to avoid all matters of controversy?" "If it is we do not act on it.