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Apparently a stopcock inside the boat was letting in water from outside, which overran us and soon filled up the room. Contrived in the Nautilus's side, a second door then opened. We were lit by a subdued light. An instant later our feet were treading the bottom of the sea. And now, how can I convey the impressions left on me by this stroll under the waters.

Well, I'm glad you think it is right to wear it, Mamsie," as the soft folds fell around her. "I just love this dress. Oh, Auntie! how perfectly exquisite!" Mrs. Whitney came in smilingly and put a kiss on the tall girl's cheek. "Do I look nicely?" she asked naively, turning around under the chandelier. "Nicely?" exclaimed Polly, lifting her hands, "why you are fresh from fairyland.

"Well, how did you get along with Hilda?" she asked. "I thought I saw you struggling." "She's somewhat disconcerting," I said. "I felt as if she were turning me inside out." Nancy laughed. "Hilda's a discovery a genius. I'm going to have them to dinner myself." "And Adolf?" I inquired. "I believe she thought you were preparing to run away with him. You seemed to have him hypnotized."

The precautions I had taken in closing the shutters and going to sleep in the middle of the room had only brought about the interlude I had been striving to avoid. Ah! how they all laughed that day! Ghosts

I did not know what I was coming into. I thought but tell me," she broke off to demand, "tell me about the plague. Was there any quarantine at all? How soon was it over? What is really happening?" "Quar quar what you mean?" "The plague? Has there been a plague here? Have people had to stay in the palace on account of it?" "Oh h!" The indrawn breath was eloquent of enlightenment.

"People usually get paid back when they do something mean, Zara," said Bessie. "If Farmer Weeks hadn't treated those men badly, they would probably have sent us back. But as soon as they heard who he was, you saw how they acted." "That's right, Bessie. I bet he'd be madder than ever if he knew that. Someone ought to tell him."

"Justice... submission ... ruling ..." He had caught them at a glance, though he did not know how they were connected, or what relation they bore to the general theme. Political bunk, his mind tagged it therefore, and had no doubt whatever that he was right.

There was nothing unusual in this request. Minister Campbell had already learned how averse Shetlanders are to having dealings with a lawyer, and he was quite willing to take the charge David desired to impose upon him. "I may not come back to Shetland," David said. "My father went away and never returned. I am bound for foreign seas, and I may go down any day or night. All I have is Nanna's.

Don't you ever give me more'n $5 at a time, under any consideration. Don't you do it, if I git down on my knees and ask for it. Lord, how nigh I come to losin' that $50 o' your father's." MR. ROSENBAUM became a frequent visitor to the Hoosier's Rest, and generally greatly interested Si and Shorty with his stories of adventure.

I was holding my breath, with my hand pressed over my heart to feel how it was beating, when the door opened suddenly, and I heard a voice speaking. Someone turned up the light. "I'll leave you together," said Lord Mountstuart; and the door was closed.