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"But how'd you like to have some sausage, and some plum pudding, and " "Don't," pleaded Jerry. "The idea is too much. My stomach is accusing me of gross carelessness now." "Wonder what's in that letter from Brighton, and who wrote it?" said Sum, glad to change the subject and forget his own hunger.

"Humph!" sniffed Captain Shad. "So Jimmie Bacheldor made you think, eh? I never should have expected it from one of that tribe. How'd he do it?" "He asked me about my relations," said Mary-'Gusta, "and when I said I hadn't got any he was awful surprised. He has ever so many, sisters and brothers and aunts and cousins and Oh, everything. He thought 'twas dreadful funny my not havin' any.

Hawarden turned in puzzlement, but Hanlon signalled quiet and led him into a small reception room adjoining. "There's one man in there you'll have to get rid of before I can go in," he explained in a swift whisper. "Young junior lieutenant named Dick Trowbridge. He'd recognize me even in this disguise. How'd he ever get here to Sime?" "Trowbridge?

"What'd they do? what'd they do?" "Do?" "How'd they git notice to 'em?" "Oh," said Mr. Hartington, "cussed if that wuhn't funny. Let's see, where was I? After awhile they went over t'other side of the street, talkin' sly, waitin' for the act to end. But goldarned if it ever did end." For once Mr. Bixby didn't seem to understand. "D-didn't end?" "No," explained Mr.

De Launay came up to the horse while, as yet, there had been not the slightest indication of any hue and cry after him. This he knew could obtain for only a short time, but it would be sufficient. Sucatash, against the lamp-post, lolled negligently and rolled a cigarette. He did not even look at De Launay, but spoke out of a corner of his mouth. "How'd you make it, old-timer?"

"He's a half-breed Ute bad Indian, outlaw, murderer. He's in with a gang of outlaws who hide in the San Juan country.... Reckon you're lucky. How'd you come to be there in the Sagi alone?" "I traveled from Red Lake. Presbrey, the trader there, advised against it, but I came anyway." "Well." Withers's gray glance was kind, if it did express the foolhardiness of Shefford's act.

They motioned the prisoners to help themselves. "But why all this?" demanded Frank in a low voice. "I thought you fellows had become pirates." "So did we, sir," whispered Timothy, "but when we found they had locked you up here we changed our minds." "How'd you get in?" "Well," said Allen, grinning, "we were put on watch. Jackson appeared a few minutes ago to see that everything was 0.

"How 'n 'ell did he git here the doctor?" he demanded, making a great effort to hold his voice down to a whisper, and forgetting now and then. "How'd he know Brit rolled off'n the grade? Us here, we never knowed it, and I was tryin' to send him back when you came. He said somebody telephoned there was a man hurt in a runaway.

"Say, Faraway isn't New York or London or even Toronto. But how'd you like to be sitting down to one of Jessie McRae's suppers? A bit of broiled venison done to a juicy turn, potatoes, turnips, hot biscuits spread with raspberry jam. By jove, it makes the mouth water." "And a slice of plum puddin' to top off with," suggested Morse, bringing his own memory into play. "Don't ask me how I'd like it.

"The Far-downer got at you that trip, Collins," remarked Mosey, seeking to retrieve his dignity by turning his back on the performance. "He seen you comin'. Say, ole son how'd you like to swap back?" "I felt sort o' jubious, on'y I did n't wanter say nothink." "Collar the horse quick!" suggested Dixon. "Nail him now, or you'll never ketch him." "No great hurry," I muttered, dismounting.