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"Oh, won't we have fun!" cried Freddie again. "We'll take Snoop and Snap along, and they'll like it, too." "I guess Snap will, because he's fond of the water," said Bert, with a laugh. "But Snoop doesn't care for it." "Snoop can sleep on deck in the sun," said Nan. "She'll like that. I wish I could ask one of my girl friends to come along with us for the houseboat trip.

Presently the penetrating chill of the houseboat began to attack the very seat of life. He desisted from his unremunerative trial, and, to the audible annoyance of the rats, walked briskly up and down the cabin. Still he was cold. 'This is all nonsense, said he. 'I don't care about the risk, but I will not catch a catarrh. I must get out of this den.

"What are you going to do?" asked the boy from the country. "Let's get out our fishing poles. Maybe we can catch something for dinner." "That's right!" agreed Harry. Slowly the Bluebird moved out into the lake, for the gasoline engine was working. The houseboat trip of the Bobbsey twins had begun, and many things were to happen before it was to end.

It was well after ten o'clock when the captain announced that he must set out for home. Tom Curtis had been spending the evening on the houseboat with the girls, but he had gone home an hour before to join his mother and her guest, Philip Holt. Before going away the captain concluded that it would be best for him to leave the iron safe of coins and precious stones on the houseboat for the night.

"He was the bravest little soldier in the world, because he bore all kinds of misfortunes and never complained." With a whirl Tania was out of Miss Jenny Ann's lap and into Madge's arms. The child was devoted to each member of the houseboat party, but she was Madge's ardent adorer.

Not long before daylight seven wanderers crept down the path that had been worn by the passing of the feet of the stranded girls. They marched out into the shallow water and climbed up the side of the houseboat. Phyllis Alden brought up the rear. She was half-leading, half-pulling along the little fawn she had rescued in the woods.

Both in town and country, the riffraff of the houseboat element are in disfavor. It is not uncommon for them, beached or tied up, to remain unmolested in one spot for years, with their pigs, chickens, and little garden patch about them, mayhap a swarm or two of bees, and a cow enjoying free pasturage along the weedy bank or on neighboring hills.

She was headed directly for the Dora, and a moment later hit the houseboat a telling blow in the side, causing her to careen several feet. For the moment it looked as if the houseboat might be sent to the bottom of the Ohio River, and from the stateroom in which the two girls were confined came a loud cry of fright.

During the dinner the houseboat project was broached, and the boys spoke of what a fine time they expected to have on the Ohio, and perhaps on the Mississippi. "And we would like all of you to go with us," said Dick. "With you!" exclaimed Mrs. Stanhope. "Oh, mamma, what a delightful trip it would be!" exclaimed Dora. "And we would like your mother to go too," went on Tom, to Nellie and Grace.

Not until his binoculars rested upon the bar at the foot of Fort Pillow Bluff did Terabon's eyes discover any human beings, and then he saw a white houseboat with a red hull. He headed toward it to ask the familiar river question. "No, suh!" the lank, sharp-eyed fisherman shook his head. "Theh's no motorboat landed up theh, not this week. Who all mout you be?"