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"That man is all right," said he to Mears, nodding his head toward McCloud, as they walked up from the caboose. "That's all I want to say. Some of these fellows have been a little shy about going out with him; they've hounded me for months about stepping over his way when Sinclair and his mugs struck. I reckon I played my hand about right."

That voice in you would never half so relentlessly have hounded him and his as it shall in me if all else fails." It was an exulting thought. It calmed him; it soothed his grief, and he began very softly to pray. And then his heart trembled as he considered that Philippe, a man of peace, almost a priest, an apostle of Christianity, had gone to his Maker with the sin of anger on his soul.

He is hounded from his property, and driven across France with a character attached to him, like a kettle to a cat's tail. Genuine spies, on the other hand so we thought were worse treated than any and secretly recompensed. Such a man became a hero. All his neighbours brought their little offerings. The House of the Spy had a fine garden, hot and buzzing in the languorous heat.

His mind was far away, following his heart to the palisaded plot of ground among the Foothills and the little grave there in which he had covered from his sight her that had been the inspiration to his best and finest things, and his defence against the things low and base that had once hounded his soul, howling hard upon his trail.

When I was in life I was the mad randy gipsy, that had been scourged and banished and branded; that had begged from door to door, and been hounded like a stray tyke from parish to parish; wha would hae minded HER tale? But now I am a dying woman, and my words will not fall to the ground, any more than the earth will cover my blood!

There's a girl in it that was stolen when she was an infant was picked off the street or something and she's the one that's hounded by the two old criminals I was telling you about." He stopped with a mouthful of pie poised on a fork before his face. "She comes very near getting drowned no, that's not it. I'll tell you what I'll do," he concluded hopelessly, "I'll get you the book.

By means too subtle for me to understand, they set machinery going in this vicinity by which every step that Watts took was made a kick against him. "They never let up on him. They hounded him. They put him to shame with the nation and in the privacy of his own family. Watts was over fifty years old. He was no fighter. All he wanted was a chance to build his dam. He was gentle and silent.

"To hear you talk, one would think you were hounded like slaves at Lakeview Hall. You should have such a strict teacher as my tutor, for instance. He's the fellow for driving one. He says he'll have me ready for college in two years; but if he does, I know I shall feel as stuffed as a Strasburg goose."

He will never in his lifetime consent to . . . to what you mean, without being hounded into it. I haven't the slightest idea whether anything will force him. I know that the princess would have too much pride to submit, even to save her name. But it 's her name that 's in danger. Think of the scandal to a sovereign princess!

"Dale is a beast! You heard Peggy tell how he has hounded her. It is true; she has told me about it more than once. Dale hasn't told, of course; but it is my opinion that Dale put the Double A cattle into Ben's corral so that he could hang Ben. With Ben out of the way he could take the Nyland property and Peggy, too." "Why did he use Double A cattle?" Mary paled.