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They lunched alone with the old lady. At about three, when the important note was written, and Harriet and Nina were idling on the shady terrace, with the hound, the new magazines, and their books, Hansen brought one of the small closed cars to the side door. Five minutes later Isabelle, in a thin white coat, a veiled white hat, and with a gorgeous white-furred wrap over her arm, came out.

With stealthy tread, he crept slowly round the couch on which the patient lay, snuffing the air like a hound on a scent; then placing his hands on the side, raised his head, and, after taking a survey of the sick man, again dropt down, and commenced moving around very slowly, and snuffing the air for full half an hour.

"Oh, those cowardly curs! the miserable little brutes!" cried the valorous occupants in the gallery. And the much wiser and discreeter dogs looked up in answer, and seemed to say "Go yourselves!" Still the bear was standing well on the defensive when, to the general astonishment, Heinrich reappeared, holding his Danish hound by the chain.

But for your cry, 'We are not assassins, the Pole might not have been left without support. No atmosphere is so infectious as that in which we breathe the same air of revenge: when the violence of one man puts into action the anger or suspicion of others, they become like a pack of hounds, which follow the spring of the first hound, whether on the wild boar or their own master.

Mirthfulness and dignity seem to seek expression in every movement of the quaint, old-fashioned little hound, and in every line of his face. As for his music who would expect such a deep, bell-like note from this queer midget among hunters, standing not much higher than the second button of the huntsman's legging?

"I scent a plot," said Castell in a strained voice as he finished, "and I think that hound of a Spaniard is at the bottom of it, or Betty, or both. Here, you fellow, tell us what you know, and be swift if you would keep a sound skin." "That would I, why not?" answered the man, and told all the tale of the coming of the sailor.

"Well, you don't need to find Montgomery, and you don't need to hound Gilmore; I can tell you more than they can " His bloodshot eyes, fixed and staring, seemed starting from their sockets. "The facts you want to know are hidden here!" He struck his hand savagely against his breast and lurched half-way across the room, then he swung about and once more faced the judge.

Theirs is the sort of form which expresses to me what I want Art to express Nature not limited, but developed, by high civilization. The old savage ideal of beauty was the lion, type of mere massive force. That was succeeded by an over-civilized ideal, say the fawn, type of delicate grace. Look at that old hound, who stands doubtful, looking up at his master for advice.

'She has brought it on herself, he said, roughly. 'Then that is what I am to think of you, she said, regarding him, 'that some day I may hear you talk in that way about me? He never could resist the appeal of Nan's clear, faithful eyes. 'You wouldn't be such a fool, he said. 'And they won't touch Madge. It's only that fellow they'll go for the mean hound, to marry a girl for her money.

The hound Bowser was at the head, Herbert Watrous next, Sam Harper followed, and Nick Ribsam, who still limped slightly, brought up the rear. The hound showed an intelligence which would have been surprising but for his action respecting the rattlesnake.