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"Why, last night, thin, didn't I give my " "Whist, ahagur! hould your tongue awhile, and let me go on. Thruth's best he dotes on that girl to such a degree, that if he doesn't get her, he'll never see another happy day while he's alive." "All feasthalagh, Honor that won't pass wid me; I know otherwise myself.

"The storm is on us; but, thank the Almighty, we're safe," said Mike, with a little sob. "I wish to goodness we hadn't come, all the same." "And so do I," said Biddy; "it is perfectly awful being in a cave like this. What shall we do?" "Do!" said Neil. "Hould your tongues and stay aisy. Faix, it's the Almighty is having a bit of a talk; you stay quiet and listen."

Binson, you are jist the man I am looking for, this last six hours." "Why so, Partrick what do you mean?" said Uncle Nathan, mystified by the sudden change of manner in the new convert. "Hould aisy a bit, for I'd like to hould a private correspondence wid yous. Will ye jist come to the hurricane deck, till I tells yous all about it?" "Sartain," replied Uncle Nathan, his curiosity fully excited.

"You'd better mark him, that's all. If he cotches a hould o'ye he'd tear ye to tatthers, that's all. Not that he'd do ye the laist harum in life if ye'd just hould yer pace, and say nothin' to nobody." "Not a word I'll say, Pat." "Don't! That's all about it. Don't! We knows, he knows, what they're driving at down at the Castle.

"Quite right, me man," said a cool voice at Curly's side, and a hand fell on his shoulder as a tall form loomed up in the crowd. "There's good matayrial in you, me bully. Hould yer position, an' be sure that Batty's with you, at the laste. Fair play's a jule, an' it's fair play we're goin' to have here."

"My troth," sez I, "you've lived too long you an' your seekin's an' findin's in a dacint married woman's quarters! Hould up your head, ye frozen thief av Genesis," sez I, "an' you'll find all you want an' more!" 'But he niver hild up, an' I let go from the shoulther to where the hair is short over the eyebrows. "That'll do your business," sez I, but it nearly did mine instid.

Blake is a very old friend of master's." "But why is he going now? It isn't often he goes to Carnlough; and when he does go, he is sure to say why." "I shouldn't wonder af he's going to ax him as to how he shall get rid of the waters." "He knows that better than Mr. Blake can tell him." "Or maybe he's going to inquire how he shall cotch a hould of Pat Carroll."

No, no; let us bring him first, whether he will or not, an' ax his consent aftherwards!" "I'll tell you what it is, boys," continued Connell, "I'll hould a wager, if you lave him to me, I'll bring him wid his own consint."

They proceeded from a man, dressed in the tattered remnants of the blue army uniform, who was industriously propelling a wheel-barrow towards the landing, on which was a box of similar description to those just embarked. "Hould on!" shouted he; "hould on, will yous, and take on this bit of a box?" "Does it belong with the others?" asked the captain. "To be sure it does," replied Pat.

But Mad Bell merely replied, "Whisht gabbin', and hould that," thrusting, as she spoke, her little handkerchief bundle into his arms. And thereupon, making a sudden dive, she vanished among the flame-sheathing smoke.