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"Spanish Falls nothin'! They wasn't goin' to Spanish Falls any more'n I am at this minute. They tied their hosses up the road just above our house," said young Conley, lowering his voice out of consideration for the feelings of the helpless man. "It was about 'leven o'clock, I reckon. I was comin' home from singin' school up at Number Ten, an' I passed the hosses hitched to the fence.

But, as you've got no use for a garden, perhaps you'll remember the inn yard, and how many hosses you can put up, and how many I can." "It's the number of hosses that comes not the number you put up," he answered; "and if you want to tell me you've often obliged with a spare space in your yard, perhaps I may remind you that you generally got quite as good as you gave.

We'll git the hosses an' mules ready, packs on 'em, and bridles in thar mouths, an' ez soon ez the arms an' sperrits o' the Sioux git tired, I'll hot foot after Jim, an' then we'll gallop up the pass." The Little Giant's psychology was correct. In a half hour the bombardment began to decrease in violence, and in ten more minutes it ceased entirely.

If any o' you men know anything about hosses ye'll recognize ther great Chiquita, what made an' lost more money fer ther people o' Mexico than any one other thing. Pap didn't know it until he see me, then he suddenly remembered a little deal me an' him was in. I know this Magpie hoss well, an' it couldn't stand no more show of winnin' a race from Chiquita than a snail would.

Bartley could discern nothing definite, even when Cheyenne pointed to a queer, blurred patch in some loose earth. "It looks like the imprint of some coarse cloth," said Bartley. "Gunnysack. They pulled the shoes off my hosses and sacked their feet." "How about their own horses?" "They been ridin' hard ground, and the tracks don't show, plain.

Now we've got to walk all the way home," wailed Emma. "'Con-centrate, little one," advised Hippy. "Never mind 'bout the hosses. We-uns'll fix ye up. Spurgeon and Lum Bates got er-way. They come this-a-way an' Ah reckon they're hidin' in a cave. Shore they ain't in that place where you was?" demanded Jed. "If ye ain't sartin, better look an' see. We'll be goin' through t'other holes right smart.

"Reindeer?" suggested Kunelik. "No; the horns are short, with only one point to each; and the beasts are much heavier than reindeer. They have also great beasts, with no name in our language hurses or hosses he calls them, but they don't eat these; they make them haul sledges on little round things called weels " "I know," cried Sigokow; "they must be big dogs!"

If I should get plugged, an' there's any money for the crowd, I'll count on you two to see that brother Jim gets my share he's got more the mother in him than all four of us other brothers, and why don't they shoot, do you s'pose?" "P'r'aps ther ain't nobody but the driver, an' he's got his hands full, makin' them hosses travel along that lively," suggested Bill Braymer.

Jest you hold your hosses, and wait until uncle Harry 'holds up' the next Pioneer Coach," the dancing devil in her eyes glanced as if accidentally on the young expressman, "and he'll make a big enough pile to send me to Europe, and you'll be quit o' me."

Ah have heard of this abhorant practise that has come as a part of this mercenary age, and, suh, Ah abominate both it and the man who would be guilty of such an act! "'Why, look-a here, Mr. Sanford, I says. 'They're all doin' it. If you're goin' to train hosses you've got to get in the band wagon. If you can't give the owner a run fur his money he'll find somebody to train 'em who can!