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The sharp-stinged, harp-winged hornets come! Nay, jungli! When the hornets come, It isn't well to stay! ALWA ordered ten men down into the bowels of the rock itself, where great wheels with a chain attached to them were forced round to lift the gate.

At sight of Metak and the girl, the king rose from his throne and started across the chamber, all semblance of royalty vanishing in the maniac's uncontrollable passion. And as he came he shrieked orders and commands at the top of his voice. No sooner had Metak so unwarily opened the door to this hornets' nest than he immediately withdrew and, turning, fled again in a new direction.

When John did not respond, she made a further propitiatory advance, "It will soon be time for that hornets' nest, we must go and see." "What are you about?" said Mrs. Ann; "you will get stung." "Pursuit of natural history," said Penhallow smiling. "You are as bad as Leila, James." "Won't you come?" asked the girl at last. "Thank you. I regret that I have an engagement with Mr.

After the British army had been in Charlotte about a week, and having, in the meantime, consumed the most of their forage and provisions, Lord Cornwallis was placed under the necessity of procuring a fresh supply. He had already experienced something of the stinging propensities of the "hornets" with which he was surrounded, and the fatalities of their attacks upon his sentries near his camp.

The Sap-sucker also does harm by eating the soft inner bark which is between the rough outside bark and the hard heart-wood of the tree; for this soft bark is where the sap flows to nourish the tree. "When the bird bores the holes and the sap oozes out, a great many insects gather to feed on it hornets, wasps, spiders, beetles, flies, and other kinds.

Let me sit down a second. Yes, I know it's an ant-hill, and I shouldn't care if it were a hornets' nest I deserve to be stung. What do you think I said to Margery this morning?

A deep and uninterrupted buzz fills the air; it comes from the cicadas whose monotonous note wearies the ear, and from hornets and bees of every description that keep up an incessant hum as they suck Juices from the plants or dive their antennæ into the ripe fruit or perhaps into some carrion lying near.

But these great Beasts, vestured in angry orange, three stings from which so 't was averred would kill a horse, these were of a different kidney, and their warning drone suggested prudence and retreat. At this time neither villagers nor hornets encroached on the stillness: lessons, apparently, pervaded all Nature.

"Oh, I've been nowhere in particular," he answered, laughing. "But I say, young man, you seem to have raised a pretty good hornets' nest about your ears along this corridor." "Yes, I know; they've had the cheek to send me that!" He leaned back as he spoke, and taking a piece of paper from the table, tossed it across to his friend.

Returning to where the larger boats had been left aground, our bow-man, who was employed shooting the gig along by such aid as the branches of the trees, or the tendrils which hung to them, afforded him, stuck his boat-hook into what appeared to be a suspended ball of moss; but he soon discovered that it was something more, as it was a nest of hornets, which sallied out in great numbers, and resented the insult to their domicile by attacking the bowman first, as the principal aggressor, and us afterwards, as parties concerned.