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Not a word had she ever ventured to speak to Horn when she saw him among the other knights at the great feasts, but day and night she bore his image in her heart. But he went to Athulf, who was the pure minded and true one of Horn's two chosen companions, while Figold, the other, was a wolf in sheep's clothing, and said to him, "You shall go with me in Horn's stead to the Princess."

Less than ten blacks had been known to rush a blackbirder officered by no more than two white men, and Van Horn's hand closed on the butt of his automatic, although he did not pull it clear of the holster, and although, with his left hand, he directed the cigar to his mouth and puffed it lively alight.

He has a most engaging and lovable nature, is as clean and sweet as a girl, and I haven't a doubt but what he will honor both you and his blood. Take my word for it, and keep him at home. He is young yet, barely twenty-two there is plenty of time for him." And the Colonel rose from the sofa, lifted Mrs. Horn's fingers to his lips and bowed himself out.

The people of the town talked a great deal about the fine gentleman at the hotel, but they knew he was one of the people who had become rich in consequence of Captain Horn's discovery; and some of them, good friends of Mrs.

One Englishman, however, came in to make my acquaintance, but left me soon. I now became acquainted with Mr. Van Horn's car steward James French, or, as his admirers call him, "Jim" and I certainly wish to express my gratitude to him for his intelligence, thoughtfulness, admirable cookery, and general good nature.

With a bound he was upon his feet and at the same instant brought his other gun from his side and levelled it upon the man who had released him; but as his finger tightened upon the trigger Virginia Maxon sprang between them and grasping von Horn's wrist deflected the muzzle of the gun just as the cartridge exploded.

Bashti sighed wearily, and wearily wrapped the heads in their grass-mat coverings all but Van Horn's; and hoisted them up in the air to hang from the roof-beams to hang as he debated, long after he was dead and out if it, even as some of them had so hung from long before his father's and his grandfather's time.

Durnford's estimate of his visitor's liberality had not erred by excess of modesty; and he was startled when he mentally reckoned up the sum of the various amounts he had set down. But "Cobbler" Horn's reception of the list startled him still more. "My dear sir," said "the Golden Shoemaker," with a smile, "I'm afraid you do not realize how very rich I am.

"Can't fool us." "You know a barrel of 'em." "Song! Song!" Cranch broke in again "Mr. Horn's modesty, gentlemen, greatly endears him to his fellow-members, and we love him the better for it, but all the same " and he raised his hand with the same gesture he would have used had it held an auctioneer's hammer "All in favor of his singing again say 'Aye! Going! Going! Gone! The ayes have it."

But he knew it was a baseless castle while he built it, for Mr Graham would assuredly provide for himself, if it were by breaking stones on the road and saying the Lord's Prayer. It all fell to pieces just as he lifted his hand to Miss Horn's knocker. She received him with a cordiality such as even she had never shown him before. He told her what threatened Mr Graham.