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With Aristarchus the scientific imagination had reached its highest flight; but with Hipparchus it was beginning to settle back into regions of foggier atmosphere and narrower horizons.

Old memories trooped into their hearts like shining spirits. "Baby Blossom," said Old Man Shaw falteringly, "are you quite sure you'll be contented here? Out there" with a vague sweep of his hand towards horizons that shut out a world far removed from White Sands "there's pleasure and excitement and all that. Won't you miss it? Won't you get tired of your old father and White Sands?"

Wide horizons, infinitely clear a blazing intensity of light, beating on the palace, the gardens, the statues, and the distant water of the 'Canal de Versailles' each tint and outline, sharp and vehement, full-bodied and rich the greenest greens, the bluest blues, the most dazzling gold: this was Versailles, as Eugénie saw it, on this autumn day.

The year 1885, indeed, was one of expanding horizons, of many new friends, of quickened pulses generally. The vastness of London and its myriad interests seemed to be invading our life more and more.

The limitations of genius are consequently not so much limitations as the abrogation of limits in the ordinary sense; its originality of insight, interpretation, and expression broadens the human horizons and enriches the fields within them; it tells us what we may not have known or felt or guessed, but what we shall at last understand.

In these convictions which broke like rockets in his heart and brain, spreading a strange illumination in much darkness, he saw her beauty and sex idealised, and in the vision were the eyes and pallor of the dead wife, and all the yearning and aspiration of his own life seemed reflected back in this fair, oval face, lit with luminous, eager eyes, and in the tangle of gold hair fallen about her ears, and thrown back hastily with long fingers; and the wonder of her sex in the world seemed to shed a light on distant horizons, and he understood the strangeness of the common event of father and daughter standing face to face, divided, or seemingly divided, by the mystery of the passion of which all things are made.

The daughter of a New England country clergyman, even in these days of broadening horizons, could scarcely be expected to look with favor upon an actor's career. June came and with it the first of the summer visitors. For the next three months Albert was happy with a new set of acquaintances.

While the religion of God is the promoter of truth, the founder of science and knowledge, it is full of goodwill for learned men; it is the civilizer of mankind, the discoverer of the secrets of nature, and the enlightener of the horizons of the world. Consequently, how can it be said to oppose knowledge? God forbid!

Even the portent of the signal-fires, from time to time seen on the northern or eastern horizons, were ignored. And for a while all was peace and joy. How little they foresaw the future; how little realized the terrible, the inevitable events now already closing down about them! Allan made no further trips into the Abyss for about two months and a half.

The Master nodded silently, keeping dark eyes fixed on the horizon of cloud-rack. Above, the last faint prickings of stars were fading. The moon had paled to a ghostly circle. Shuddering, Nissr fled, with vapory horizons seemingly on her own level so that she appeared at the bottom of an infinite bowl. Bohannan, feeling need of speech, tried to be casual as he added: "I don't feel sleepy. Do you?