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I am goin back to Pierre's ranch to work on his land an some day I will be hopin to see you come ridin in an I will keep on learnin as well as I can an mebbe you will not be ashamed of me. I feel awful bad to go but I would feel more bad to stay when it must hurt you so. Respectably There were blistered spots above that pathetic, mistaken signature.

But I'm fair bound to own that if it worn't for Mr. Walden, I shouldn't be found in church o' Sundays neither, but lyin' flat on my back in a field wi' my face turned up to the sun, a-thinkin' of the goodness o' God, and hopin' He'd put a hand out to 'elp make the crops grow as they should do.

I'm hopin' now he has the kettle boilin'." "He'll have un boilin'," assured Andy, who was one of the two boys at the rear of David's litter. "He'll be proud to have un boilin' and supper started." "There's no smoke!" exclaimed David apprehensively as they came closer. "Jamie, b'y!" he shouted. "Where is you? Come out and see what we're gettin'!" But no Jamie came, and there was no answering call.

We could jest ketch a glimpse of a light way off at the end, and we sot off for it, I lookin' clost and sharp on every side for my pardner, hopin' and dreadin' to find him there. When all of a sudden, the most terrific yells and shrieks sounded on every side and we see cages of wild animals on both sides of us movin' up and down howlin' and snarlin'.

'Now lead us to them, said the big chap, givin' me a shove with the butt of his gun; 'an' if you have told lies 'he gave the handle of his scalpin'-knife a slap, as much as to say he'd tickle up my liver with it. Well, away we went in silence, me thinkin' all the time how I was to get out o' the scrape. I led them pretty close past our camp, hopin' that the lads would hear us.

"There, that's settled," he said, rising. "But I was hopin' it would be different. Dreams are silly things when they don't come true. I'll be soured on girls, hereafter," he told himself, morosely. He packed his war-bag.

With this reflection Mr. James hid himself for the remainder of the afternoon in some secluded part of the Hotel Johnson. Mrs. Cannon, however, had instantly resumed her monologue on business. "They all think to give the old woman the go-by: a sick man's no good, and there's that wife of Van Dorn's hopin' to git him yit. By God! she sha'n't have him in his shroud.

"I hav cum to pay my respecks to you, Mister Napoleon, hopin I see you hale and harty." "I am quite well," he sed. "Air you well, sir?" "Sound as a cuss!" I answerd. He seemed to be pleased with my ways, and we entered into conversation to onct. "How's Lewis?" I axed, and he sed the Emperor was well. Eugeny was likewise well, he sed.

It's Doosie Caukins has begged the loan of the two little gells for the afternoon. The twins seem to me most like my own rale downright swate gells, an' it's hopin' I am they'll do well when it' comes to their marryin'." Aileen laughed merrily at the matrimonial persistence of her old chum's thoughts. "Oh, Maggie, you are an incorrigible matchmaker!"

If she went alone it would be almost as hard for Frances as if I went with her. And the temptation was very strong. The desire to see her once more, only once.... "I'll go, Hephzy," I said. I didn't mean to say it; the words seemed to come of themselves. "You will! Oh, I'm so glad! I'm so glad! And I think I think you'll be glad, too, Hosy. I'm hopin' you will." "I'll go," I said.