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Snap barked at the sight of it, and capered about as though he knew just what it was for, and was pleased at the chance to do more of his tricks. The hoop was a large one, and Freddie alone could not hold it very steady. So Flossie took hold of one side. As soon as they were in position. Freddie called: "Come on now, Snap. Jump!"

"You see you can't escape," said Launcelot, softly, as she turned the blue hoop on her finger. "Fate doesn't intend you for an artist." "Well, I intend to be, whether fate does or not," she insisted. "I guess I can do as I please." "Anne, you can have the thimble," said Launcelot, rolling it across the table-cloth to her. It was a beautiful little gold affair, and she loved to sew.

Playing one day with a number of boys, of about my own age, which was then six or seven, a big fellow, of double the size of any of us, came in amongst us, and began to plunder us of our playthings; and he was in the very act of robbing me of a hoop, when another lad, still stronger and bigger, who saw the attempted robbery, generously ran to my assistance, and aimed a tremendous blow with a stick at my assailant.

Second, the ordinary hunting arrows with barbed steel heads, usually bought ready-made, or filed out of a hoop: these were for use in securing such creatures as muskrats, ducks close at hand, or deer. Third, the bird bolts: these were left with a large, round, wooden head.

I'm simply floating in a kind of nebulous haze in fact I believe I am charged with electricity." "Charged with foolishness, you mean!" "Oh, but Mumsy, look, we are right behind my cousins from Buck Hill. Let's don't go in too close to them. I'm entirely too happy to take a snubbing from Mildred Bucknor. Doesn't Cousin Ann Peyton look beautiful?" "You mean the old lady in hoop skirts?

I have already noticed, in a former chapter of my history that the territories of the Nieuw Nederlandts extended on the east quite to the Varsche, or Fresh, or Connecticut River. Here, at an early period, had been established a frontier post on the bank of the river, and called Fort Goed Hoop, not far from the site of the present fair city of Hartford.

"And is the tree to be cut down, father?" "On no account!" said the squire. "It would be a thousand pities. Why, he's the most remarkable tree on the whole estate! See and have a hoop put round him at the top, keeper. And then put a railing round him, so that the cows can't get at him and do him harm. We'll keep this fine old willow-tree as long as we possibly can. I'm exceedingly fond of him."

He's always treated me square." "Gogie square? Yuh, he's square just like a hoop. You know it, too, Wrenn. Now that you've got enough money so's you don't need to be scared about the job you'll realize it, and you'll want to soak him, same's I do. Say!" The impulse of a great idea made him gleefully shake his fist sidewise. "Say! Why don't you soak him? They bank on you at the Souvenir Company.

Five feet away from the hoop he dropped the riding whip. Then he flung the reins across the horse's neck. With nerve and precision Andy started a forward somersault at just the right moment. He felt a warm wave cross his face. As he made the complete circle he knew that something was wrong. "Ouch!" suddenly yelled out Alf.

They shone like a composite jewel set in the arena as a cameo in the bezel of a ring. And the picture they made was framed in the hoop of spectators crowding the slopes of the amphitheater, all silent after the gusts of cheers which had acclaimed the two as they took their places. If possible, their feints and assaults were more thrilling than ever, unexpected, sudden, swift, all but successful.