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'My Lover does not know I like him, therefore having no Engagements upon me, I think to stay and know whether I may not like any one else better. I have heard WILL. HONEYCOMB say, A Woman seldom writes her Mind but in her Postscript. I think this Gentlewoman has sufficiently discovered hers in this.

Perhaps what hurt him most were her eyes, always abroad searching for admiration, forever filling the forever emptied honeycomb of self-love. With him love was a sacred, a grim, an inviolate selection. He would no more have wished the woman he had chosen to seek indiscriminate admiration with her eyes than with her lips or her waist.

In the past, it had been February to Guida because the yellow Lenten lilies grew on all the sheltered cotils; March because the periwinkle and the lords-and-ladies came; May when the cliffs were a blaze of golden gorse and the perfume thereof made all the land sweet as a honeycomb.

At the end of six days, the weather having moderated, he resumed his course, standing eastward for Hispaniola: "his people," as he says, "dismayed and down-hearted; almost all his anchors lost, and his vessels bored as full of holes as a honeycomb."

"I won't let her know that I care; and I must be polite because she is a guest, even if she wasn't invited," thought Rebby, as carrying the lustre mug and a birch-bark plate with a square of honeycomb and a brownish crisp "spider-cake" she went toward Lucia. Neither of the little girls spoke, and Rebby did not look at her former friend who had led her into such sad mischief.

Staunton himself, will come out and take me that's poor, lost, demented me by the hand, and give me a pomegranate, and a piece of honeycomb, and a small bottle of spirits, to stay my fainting and then the good times will come back again, and we'll be the happiest folk you ever saw."

The numberless bubbles of this volcanic substance give it the appearance of a honeycomb, and answer the same purpose as the pots in Caracalla's Circus, so much so, that though very hard, it is of less specific gravity than wood, and consequently floats in water."

I remember such a path, which connects Leamington with the small village of Lillington. The village consists chiefly of one row of dwellings, growing together like the cells of a honeycomb, without intervening gardens, grass-plots, orchards, or shade trees. Beyond the first row there was another block of small, old cottages with thatched roofs. I never saw a prettier rural scene.

Ice has its grain as well as wood, and when a cake begins to rot or "comb," that is, assume the appearance of honeycomb, whatever may be its position, the air cells are at right angles with what was the water surface.

Nature was all in all; we worshipped her and her wordless messages in our hearts were sweeter than honey and the honeycomb. To me, alone on that April day, alone on the earth as it seemed for a while, the sweet was indeed changed to bitter, and the loss of those who were one with me in feeling, appeared to my mind as a monstrous betrayal, a thing unnatural, almost incredible.