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But in practice the two branches are often combined; or, to be more exact, while homoeopathic or imitative magic may be practised by itself, contagious magic will generally be found to involve an application of the homoeopathic or imitative principle.

So far, then, as I am acquainted with the general character of the cases reported by the Homoeopathic physicians, they would for the most part be considered as wholly undeserving a place in any English, French, or American periodical of high standing, if, instead of favoring the doctrine they were intended to support, they were brought forward to prove the efficacy of any common remedy administered by any common practitioner.

"Is it possible that we are all wrong?" "He lives at Rackham Park, in Sussex." Mr. Blacker fell back in relief. "I know the house. He is a new resident. It is near to Chichester. He went there on the Homoeopathic principle." The conjecture was actually true.

This terrible mortality among children is undoubtedly largely the result of ignorance as regarding to the proper care and treatment of sick children. For very small children it is always best to use homoeopathic remedies. Babies often suffer severely with colic. It is not considered dangerous, but causes considerable suffering.

I remember making but one Homoeopathic prescription before leaving Chesterfield, and that was for a case of uterine hemorrhage, which I had treated unsuccessfully for some time with allopathic remedies.

It has a throat bigger than the whale that took down the minister who declined the call to Nineveh, and has swallowed whole presbyteries and conferences of clergymen. A Brobdingnagian goes down as easily as a Liliputian. The largest story about business dishonor, or female frailty, or political deception, slips through with the ease of a homoeopathic pellet.

In the New York "Medical Record" of the same date, which I had not seen before the delivery of my address, is an account of the action of the Homoeopathic Medical Society of Northern New York, in which Hahnemann's theory of "dynamization" is characterized in a formal resolve as "unworthy the confidence of the Homoeopathic profession."

The Baillieres informed my correspondent that the sale of Homoeopathic books was much less than formerly, and that consequently they should undertake to publish no new books upon the subject, except those of Jahr or Hahnemann.

"I swear to you that I will listen to everything," replied Sulpice, "and I will strive to understand everything. And since I have the power " Denis Ramel shook his head: "Power? Ah! you will see if that is ever taken in any but homoeopathic doses!

Take, for instance, the following scene, which I had from a miniature painter: A man upwards of forty years of age, had been sitting to him one of as little pretensions as you can well imagine; you would have thought it impossible that he could have had an homoeopathic proportion of vanity of personal vanity at least; but it turned out otherwise.