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And I stand here powerless because the revolver that was given me to shoot down poor homesick devils, forced into a uniform by iron necessity, has been taken from me, out of fear that I might dislodge a few mass murderers from their security and send them as a warning example down to their victims. So I must stay here, as a seer over the blind behind iron gratings.

Passingly beautiful tower by night or day, the first thing the homesick mariner sees as he approaches his Homeland. Thousands and thousands and thousands of gay pleasure seekers trod the walks to and fro. Thousands and thousands more, rich and poor dined in the gay restaurants and balconies, surrounded with flowers and light and music.

"Do you mean to say you've been homesick all this time?" "I'd give more for the north side of one of those old Vermont hills than I would for the whole prairie!" was the emphatic reply. "But I'm not going to say another single word." Mr. Waddle felt a thrill of comfort in knowing he was not alone in his yearning for the old home.

She looked towards it wistfully, for Sara loved the sea, then, yielding to the homesick impulse, turned from the narrow street to the beach, and walked briskly away towards a spur of rock which jutted into the water sharply at some distance away.

But the only result of such treatment was that Miss Wakefield would say to the clerk in the office: "Your Eastern people have such stiff ways that they make me homesick. But they don't mean any harm, I suppose." Some of the families in the Giralda rather liked the new cashier; these were they who had children.

The breeze interrupts and obfuscates their words, but now and then half a sentence comes clearly. "Have you seen any American papers lately?" "Nothing but the Paris Herald if you call that a paper." "How are the Giants making out?" "... badly as usual ... rotten ... slump ... shake up...." "... John McGraw ... Connie Mack ... glass arm...." "... homesick ... give five dollars for...."

But he didn't raise his head until he was sure the homesick longing for some one all his own was gone from his eyes. She had on a gray dress as soft as wood smoke. He caught flashes of flame color beneath the gray and at her breast fluttered a knot of scarlet silk. She looked like somebody's home fire, all fragrant smoke and golden flame and ruddy coals.

The assumption was that anybody one met in the home of one's host was desirable, and it was courtesy, therefore, to begin a conversation with any guest. This is the attitude also in parts of France. But in those first months I had not acquired my philosophy. I lived through homesick days, and some that were hard and bitter.

Instead of waiting in the kitchen or entry for her lover's return, as she had intended, she had gone to the image of the Virgin at the gate of the Convent of St. Clare, before which she had often found consolation, especially when homesick yearning for the mountains of her native Switzerland pressed upon her too sorely.

I can't tell you, though, how glad we are to see you back, even if it did cost next to our last shell of birdshot. The Gulf of Maine's a pretty homesick place to be kicking round in on a foggy night." "You aren't any gladder than we are," replied Percy. He glanced at the pea-pod towing astern. "But say, Jim! Just cast your eye over that tub.