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He took his way slowly, purposely turning aside three times from the trail to call at the hogans of some of his parishioners; for he dreaded the home-coming as one dreads a blow that is inevitable.

The expulsion of her predecessor, at such a time, to make room for her own home-coming, was, it seemed, open to criticism. "The neighborhood"—it included perhaps five families living in a radius of as many hundred milesfelt that the Tumlins had established a bad precedent. A "squaw man" driving out a brown wife to make room for a white is not a heroic figure.

"I do not think I shall stop here long; I think that I am going into a sisterhood." "Oh! well, you are your own mistress, and must do as you choose." "Then I will come to-morrow," and they parted. And so on the following day Angela and Pigott returned to the Abbey House, but they both felt that it was a sad home-coming.

News travels apace the world over, and that of John Paul's home-coming and of his public renunciation of Scotland at the "Hurcheon" had reached Dumfries in good time, substantiated by the arrival of the teamster with the chests the night before.

Bring your brother some day and we'll go and fish the Midburn." The urchin pulled off a ragged cap and grinned with pleasure. "That's the boy you pulled out of the Avelin?" asked the Doctor. "I had heard of that performance. It was a good introduction to your home-coming." "It was nothing," said the young man, flushing slightly. "I was crossing the ford and the stream was up a bit.

Zionism, the spirit of the returning exiles, animated them, and, according to their prophets, they realised that 'The Lord shall comfort Zion, He shall comfort all her waste places. They had sowed in tears; now, on their return, they were reaping in joy, and, though their land was still under the infidel yoke, they were allowed to dwell in peace, busy, industrious, with the halo of home-coming in their hearts.

"I had hoped for a more satisfactory home-coming than this," said Mrs. Harrington in her hardest voice. When she spoke in this tone there was the faintest suggestion of a London accent. Fitz made a little movement, a step forward, as if she had been unconsciously approaching the brink of some danger, and he wished to warn her.

Dinsmore and his father-in-law had taken adjoining cottages for the summer, and though "the season" was so nearly over that the hotels and boarding-houses were but thinly populated and would soon close, the two families intended remaining another month. So this was in some sort a home-coming to Elsie. After tea the Allisons flocked in to bid her welcome.

But it will be seen, because of what follows, how important it is for me to note the association existing between the dissimilar things mentioned above. We left the mountains at the beginning of October, but my home-coming was marked by a very painful circumstance I was sent to school!

Should they offer strenuous objections against Eleanor's plan to live in New York, he would have one cudgel, at least, to use against them. The sinking sun was bathing Rainbow Cliffs in a glory of color before the echo of the lumbering ranch-wagon was heard sounding across the crater. Then every one ran out upon the terrace to watch the home-coming of the weary boys.