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His bare breast and his face glistened in the light; his sarong, soaked, clung about his legs; he had his sheathed kriss in his left hand; and wisps of wet hair, escaping from under his red kerchief, stuck over his eyes and down his cheeks. He stepped in with a headlong stride and looking over his shoulder like a man pursued. Hollis turned on his side quickly and opened his eyes.

Hollis tensed himself for the clash, rapidly measuring the distance, and when Yuma came close enough caught him squarely on the side of the jaw with a vicious right swing. But in some manner when Hollis stepped aside to avoid Yuma's knife, his feet had become entangled with the legs of the table that Yuma had previously overturned.

He looked steadily at Hollis, his eyes filling with decision as he again placed his hands beside him on the floor to rise. "You c'n open the ball when you get damn good an' ready," he sneered, "but I'm gettin' up right now. I ain't goin' to die off my pins like a damn coyote!" He rose quickly, plainly expecting to be shot down the moment he reached his feet.

They were carried on with Lord Russel, Lord Hollis, Lord Berkshire, the duke of Buckingham, Algernon Sydney, Montague, Bulstrode, Colonel Titus, Sir Edward Harley, Sir John Baber, Sir Roger Hill, Boscawen, Littleton, Powle, Harbord, Hambden, Sir Thomas Armstrong, Hotham, Herbert, and some others of less note.

Waters, gimme time and I'll get him, right enough. But the trouble with the gents around these parts is that they been spoiled. I cleaned up all the bad ones so damn quick that they think I can do the same with every crook that comes along. But this Hollis is a slick one, I tell you. He covers his tracks. Laughs in my face, and admits what he done, when he talks to me, like he done the other day.

A breath of balsams comes on the freshening wind the lungs expand to meet it. There is a new aspect in the scene; a revivifying current thrills through the blood; a sudden ideal beauty descends on prosaic creation. "'Pears like I can't git my breath good in them flat countries," says Jenkins Hollis to himself, as "John Barleycorn" improves his speed under the exhilarating influence of the wind.

Then he remembered the Tracer's admonition to acquiesce in everything, do what he was told to do, not to run away, and to pay his court at the first decent opportunity. He had no longer any desire to escape; he was quite willing to do anything she desired. "Do you really want to study me, Dr. Hollis?" he asked, feeling like a hypocrite. "Indeed I do," she replied fervently.

"They've started already," yelled Hollis, and we turned the rearin' horses toward the river, three miles away, leavin' them two savages tearin' down the track like mad.

"And my share will be mine as long as I live," added the mother. "But Warren is fond of the old house, and Hollis has a home of his own. You girls will never want it." Warren was delighted with what he called "Lecty's spunk." For Aunt Priscilla agreed quite readily. It was dull for Betty with two old people. Mercy would have her husband. So the wedding day was appointed.

Leaving his audience to stare after him Hollis pushed open the door of the office and entered. He found Potter bending over the imposing table, hard at work on one of the forms. Three other forms, locked and ready for the press, stood in a corner. Potter looked up and smiled as his chief entered. "See the notice on the door?" he inquired. "Some of Dunlavey's work, I suppose," returned Hollis.