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I want the other felly to have an equal chance with me else 'tis no game, but a hold-up. No man ever rightfully accused me of dealing against him. Yes, 'tis true, me world is a world of risk." He looked at Alice. "Sure, the Look-Out up above if there is such is there to see that we all have a show for our ace. If anything interferes with that the game is a crooked one."

Thomas," the cattleman answered dryly. "Well, you never can tell." The prospector nodded genially to Shorty, then spoke again to the man with the rifle. "Found any clue to the hold-up yet?" "We've found the men who did it," replied Crawford. "Knew 'em all the time, I reckon," scoffed Shorty with a harsh laugh. Dave drew his chief aside, still keeping a vigilant eye on the prisoners.

Much of this was known to the men of the railway, who sided according to their lights. Few of them knew Shiner; many knew the sheriff. It was patent at a glance that Big Ben held to the views of the latter and looked upon Shiner's hand, or Shiner's hands, as the cause of the hold-up. Nor was he entirely wrong.

Now, I don't think anything about it. I know Keller was with me in the hills when this hold-up took place." "You're his friend, Jim," the boy told him significantly. "You bet I am. But I ain't a bank robber, if that's what you mean, Phil." His clear eyes chiselled into those of the boy and dominated him. "I didn't say you were," Phil returned sulkily.

Junior licked his fingers and twitched a fold of his mother's soiled skirt. "Sure, give him more bacon! All he wants. I'll fry another skillet full," Casey spoke hurriedly, getting out the piece which he had packed away in the bag. "He's used to these hold-up joints where they charge you forty cents for a greasy plate," the man explained, speaking with his mouth full. "Eat all yuh want, Junior.

"They're always that way until you run 'em down," grinned Ellis. "Never knew a hold-up wasn't eight foot high and then some to the fellow at the wrong end of the gun." "If you mean to say, Dave Ellis, that I lay down to a bluff " Alan was beginning hotly when the old frontiersman interrupted. "Keep your shirt on, McKinstra. I don't mean to say it.

He snapped his fingers contemptuously and emptied his pewter. A sense of what was coming began to dawn on me. That the "hold-up" near the riverside formed part of the scheme was possible, and, reflecting on my rough treatment of the two Chinamen, I chuckled inwardly.

But the episode was not yet finished. Time went by. Billy Clanton and the two MacLowery boys, who are said to have been parties to the dobie dollar hold-up, died one autumn morning fighting it out against the Earp faction in Tombstone's street. Curly Bill's fate remains something of a mystery, but one story has it that Wyatt Earp killed him near Globe two years or so later.

You've chased this country with a feller who might be any old thing from a 'hold-up' to a 'gun-artist, and they're around in plenty north of 60°. And it's the big white heart inside you made you act that way, and I sort of feel that big white heart is still my care, even after we've made good-bye at that old moose head.

They did the town together in a mild fashion and Flandrau proposed that they save money by taking a common room. To this young Cullison agreed. Luck, Curly and Dick Maloney had already ridden over the country surrounding the scene of the projected hold-up.