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And once, in his eagerness, he fell and cut his forehead. I shall never forget how I felt. And when I picked him up he tried to laugh still, with the tears rolling down his face. You know the way a child's breath catches, Hodder? He was always laughing. And how he used to cling to me, and beg me to take him out, and show such an interest in everything!

While he was engaged in these speculations the door opened. "Heah's Miss Sally, Marse Ho'ace," said Sam. "Good morning, Sally," said Mr. Bentley, rising from the table with his customary courtesy, "I'm glad you came in. Let me introduce Mr. Hodder, of St. John's." Miss Grover had capability written all over her.

Hodder made a strong effort to control himself. "What I have said I have said," he answered, "and I have said it in the hope that it might make some impression upon the lives of those to whom I spoke. You were one of them, Mr. Atterbury.

While he was engaged in these speculations the door opened. "Heah's Miss Sally, Marse Ho'ace," said Sam. "Good morning, Sally," said Mr. Bentley, rising from the table with his customary courtesy, "I'm glad you came in. Let me introduce Mr. Hodder, of St. John's." Miss Grover had capability written all over her.

How can she reach these wretched people who are the victims of the ruthless individualism and greed of those who control her? You know that man, Mr. Bentley." "Yes," echoed Mr. Bentley, "he suffers." Hodder was momentarily arrested by the sadness of his tone. "But he doesn't know why he suffers he cannot be made to see," the rector went on.

I mean you'll be practical, efficient, that you'll get hold of the people of that neighbourhood and make 'em see that the world isn't such a bad place after all, make 'em realize that we in St. John's want to help 'em out. That you won't make them more foolishly discontented than they are, and go preaching socialism to them." "I have no intention of preaching socialism," said Hodder.

And all the while, in the background, Hodder had been aware of a familiar face Horace Bentley's. Beside him, when at length he drew near, was his friend Asa Waring a strangely contrasted type.

But I could not accept their hospitality." Hodder bowed his head in silence. What thundered indictment of the Church of Christ could have been as severe, as wholly condemning as these few words so dispassionately uttered by the man beside him? The old darky entered, and announced supper. Hodder had lost his way, yet a hand had been held out to him, and he seized it.

God wished us to know how to live, in order that we might find happiness, and therefore Christ taught us that the way to find happiness was to teach others how to live, once we found out. Such was the meaning of Christ's Incarnation, to teach us how to live in order that we might find God and happiness. And Hodder translated for her the word Incarnation.

Hodder clung to the shell of reality, to the tiny panorama of the visible and the finite, to the infinitesimal gropings that lay recorded before him on the printed page. It were better to know. Scarcely had the body been lifted from the tree than the disputes commenced, the adulterations crept in.