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Dangerously ill." "Could I speak to the doctor?" Pierre asked hoarsely. "The gentleman wants to know if he can speak to the doctor. Certainly not at present. If he will wait, the doctor will speak to him on the way out." Pierre sat on the bench and waited. He leaned forward, elbows on knees, head crushed in both hands, and the woman stared at him pitilessly not that he was aware of her scrutiny.

"My God!" he whispered hoarsely. "You are not, you cannot be the the daughter Peter LaSalle's daughter, who disappeared strangely!" "Yes," she said quietly. "I am Marie LaSalle." LaSalle! The old French name! That old French inscription on the ring: "SONNEZ LE TOCSIN!" Yes; he began to understand now. She was Marie LaSalle! He began to remember more clearly. Marie LaSalle!

He awoke with a snort, then sat bolt upright, peering in the dark. "Wh -who's there?" he demanded hoarsely. "A committee on class honor, Mr. Dodge," replied Furlong, while Anstey added, with ironic politeness: "Don't be alahmed, suh. We do not believe you to be possessed, suh, of any of the commodity of which we are in search."

The last words were flung at Littimer with contemptuous command. The hot blood flared into the young man's face. Enid's eyes flashed. "If my cousin likes to stay here," she said, "why " "He is coming with me," Henson said, hoarsely. "Do you understand? With me! And if I like to drag him or you, my pretty lady to the end of the world or the gates of perdition, you will have to come.

We are going to do justice, and we thought the simplest way was to ignore you in this matter and spare all discussion and hard feeling in every quarter." "It's a lie!" shouted the young man, hoarsely. "A damned lie! You wouldn't let me in for fear I'd kick, eh? Well, you were right. I will kick. You've hinted about my feelings for Miss Chester.

"Gran," cried Rag hoarsely, waking up from her unlucky paralysis, "let her go; only let her go, an' I'll I'll do anythin' you want me to. I'll steal, an' pick an' fetch, and do anything Gran." The old woman leered at her, and passed her hand to the beads on Phronsie's neck; and in doing so she let the little arm slip, that she might use both hands to undo the clasp the better.

Harlan, who followed the chief, touched the major key: "What shall we do with the rebels?" To which the mob responded hoarsely: "Hang them!" Lincoln's little son, Tad, was in the room, playing with the quills on the table where his father made his notes.

The fellow who had not yet spoken clutched the journalist's sleeve with his dirty hand. "We hain't done wit' youse," he said, hoarsely. "Don't belief it, not fer a minute, see?" The Town Marshal opened his eyes briskly, and placing a hand on each of the gamblers, said: "I hereby do arrest your said persons, and declare you my prisoners." The cry rose again, louder: "Run 'em out! String 'em up!

Rylton, who has been leaning on the railings beside her, raises himself, and stands staring at her, a terrible anguish in his eyes. "Marian think," says he hoarsely. "Oh, why did you marry her?" cries she, smiting her hands together as if half distracted. "There was always so much time time!" "There was none." "There is always time!"

But Emmet was not comforted by a realisation of the transitory nature of the sensation. He heard the newsboys in the street without, crying it hoarsely, and almost wondered why his own name was not coupled with the others, to be bruited about the sidewalks, proclaiming his guilt. In the first moments, his sensations were those of fear and horror.