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"Not for that," she said; "only, why do you pretend to be so fond of him now, and so anxious to get him back again? Uncle John believes you, but I don't. I can see quite well that you wouldn't be glad to find him. You could find him easily if you wanted to!" "What do you mean, Lilian?" I said, hoarsely. "How could I find him?" Again I feared the worst.

His voice broke hoarsely, and he stood before them with his eyes averted from the three wondering faces regarding him. Mrs. Pendleton stepped quickly forward, and grasped his arm. "What is it, Thalassa? Has anything happened to my brother?" "There's been a great noise in his room, like as if something heavy had crashed down, then silence like the grave.

"That was a close shave, Mas'r Harry," said Tom, creeping softly forward, gun in hand. "That poor chap didn't know what a risk he run of being dead and buried. I had him covered with my gun the whole time; and if he'd made at you with his knife, down he must have gone." "I want the gold, Tom," I said hoarsely, "but no bloodshed."

"The Beaver-with-Sharp-Teeth says if we want to go out to fight, they are so many we should all be killed. We must not go." "He is right, Bart," said the Doctor, hoarsely. "I am willing enough to fight, but the presence of Maude seems to unman me. I dare not attempt anything that would risk her life."

Your conventional morality is stronger than you. You are the slave to the opinions which have credence among the people you have known and have read about. Their code has been drummed into your head from the time you lisped, and in spite of your philosophy, and of what I have taught you, it won't let you kill an unarmed, unresisting man." "I know it," I said hoarsely.

There was a silence of several minutes. "Well?" said Mr. Carleton, looking up and smiling. "I can do nothing, unless you will," said Thorn, hoarsely, and looking hurriedly away. "I am at your pleasure, Sir! But, on my own part, I have none to gratify." There was silence again, during which Thorn's face was pitiable in its darkness. He did not stir. "I did not come here in enmity, Mr.

"The pale-faces are dogs! the Delawares women! Magua leaves them on the rocks, for the crows!" Laughing hoarsely, he made a desperate leap, and fell short of his mark; though his hand grasped a shrub on the verge of the height.

For she turned to him and smiled, though without rising. "Are ye stepping west, Hermiston?" said she, giving him his territorial name after the fashion of the country-side. "I was," said he, a little hoarsely, "but I think I will be about the end of my stroll now. Are you like me, Miss Christina? The house would not hold me. I came here seeking air."

'You came for the funeral, of course? said the other, his face flushing consciously. 'Yes and you too? The man turned away, and something in his silence led Robert to stroll on beside him to the open end of the platform. 'I have lost my only friend, MacNiell said at last hoarsely. 'He took me up when my own father would have nothing to say to me.

As if they reached the end of an agreed course, the two whirled at the same instant, the metal in their hands glinted in an upward semicircle, and two guns barked hoarsely across the lawns. One of them stood with his gun still poised; the other leaned gradually forward and toppled at full length on the grass.