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"For some time the Senior Surgeon has seriously questioned the hmm advisability of continuing the incurable ward. He wishes very much to bring the matter before you, and he is prepared to give you his reasons for so doing. Afterward, I think it would be wise for us to discuss the matter very informally." He bowed to the Senior Surgeon and sat down.

Before daylight, Tom was back at his workbench ready to begin assembling the units of his new sonar gear. Later he phoned Chow but scarcely paused to eat when the cook arrived with his order. "Brand my solar stovepipe!" Chow scolded. "Take time to eat your vittles properly, boss!" "Hmm?... Oh, sure." Tom looked up and grinned. The stout old Texan stomped out, shaking his head.

Dale told me the other day that she's sure Tom's been giving Roger a few pointers on control-deck operation. And one night I found Manning giving Astro a lecture in compression ratios. Of course, Manning's way of talking is a way that would confuse the Venusian more than it would help him, but at least they weren't snarling at each other." "Hmm," Walters nodded.

"Hmm," frowned Mr. Swift. "I used to know an old fellow very well who was in the diving business. Met him when we built the submarine 'Advance' you boys remember her but I can't seem to recall his name. Let me see Ha! I have it! Britten! That's it, John Britten, the best salvage man on the coast!" "Maybe he's busy too," said Ned, "as all the others seem to be."

The Meanest Trustee barked out an exclamation, but nothing followed it; undoubtedly that was due to the President's interrupting: "I think if we had received this yesterday we should have been very exceedingly indignant; we should have censured the writer severely. As it is hmm " The President stopped short; it was as if his mind had refused to tabulate his feelings.

Pour thy father another tankard of small beer, Janice." Clearly, what the Committee of Correspondence, and even the approaching Congress could not do, Mrs. Meredith could, for the squire settled back quietly into his chair, took a long swallow of beer, and resumed his letter. "What does Mr. Cauldwell say, dadda?" inquired the daughter. "Hmm," said Mr. Meredith.

And look here. This skirt is away up as short as my own. If I've to wear short ones I'll not change at all. In the pictures, I've seen lovely ladies with skirts on the ground and I thought that was the way I should look if I ever went into the world." "Eh? What? Lovely? You? Hmm. Lovely is that lovely does. Vanity is a disgrace to any woman. Has not the master said that often and often?"

By all right and reason, it was the Royal Geographical that should have appealed to him, but men are as chancy as children in their choice of playthings. So Creighton smiled, and thought the better of Hurree Babu, moved by like desire. He dropped the ghost-dagger and looked up at Mahbub. 'How soon can we get the colt from the stable? said the horse-dealer, reading his eyes. 'Hmm!

There, while they rested and listened, Pierre deftly rolled his strip of birch-bark into a horn of two feet in length, small at the mouth end but several inches wide at the other. He tied it with cedar thongs and putting it to his lips, uttered a call so like a cow-moose that Adrian wondered more and more. "Hmm. I thought I was pretty smart, myself; but I'll step down when you take the stand."

You're a good man, Rimrock you've got a good heart but you're a drunken, fighting brute." "Hmm!" shrilled Rimrock, "say, that don't sound very nice after what you said a minute ago." "We're talking reason, now," said Mary, smiling wanly, "I was excited a minute ago." "Well, get excited again," suggested Rimrock, but she pushed his hands away.