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Yes I suppose you should tell Copper. Oh! She is? I'm sorry to hear that, but there's no reason for her to be angry. She should realize that I did this for her not to make her miserable. Hmm. She she has? You think she should come with me? Yes, I realize she can be a problem when she wants to be. All right then tell her to pack a toothbrush and a few spare diapers.

"Mark you," I charged him, "your wife must never know a word of this!" "Eh? No" and the next instant the sick woman across the way was filling all his thought: "Mine Gott! she rice oop scaredt in t'e bedt, choost so!" and up he would start. Then as I pressed him down "Mine Gott! I vould not go in, if I dhink she would do dot. Hmm! Hmm! I am sorry! Undt I tidt not t'e mawdt get. "Hmm!

"There will be some stragglers next week, of course, but today and Saturday will see the most of the students here." "Look at the Sans." Leila arched her brows and drew down the corners of her mouth. "Hmm! Posted all along the platform with General Cairns in the most prominent place. And do my eyes tell me lies! Isn't that girl hanging on her arm the freshie you lost the other day, Marjorie?"

I vish I haf vonce a whole pifshtea-ak undt a glahss beer hmm!" "Hmm!" I echoed, "your subsequent marketing wouldn't cost much." I went down town on some imperative office business, came back in a cab, gave word to be called at such an hour, and lay down. But while I slept my order was countermanded and when I awakened it was once more midnight.

"I never realized what it meant to be human," Copper said as she held Kennon's hand. "It is nice to feel important and to know that our child is a member of the race that rules the galaxy." "So you're convinced?" Kennon chuckled. "The serological identity " she began. "Hmm. You've been getting some education, I see." "Well," Copper smiled, "I didn't think you wanted a stupid woman.

"Hmm," murmured Ruth half consciously, and, with a playful shudder at the cold, whispered, "Come in, come in!" But then quickly, lest this should carry a hint of distrust, she tripped in alone, closed the door, and glided to the bright hearth. There a moment of waiting changed her mind. She ran again to the door, and began to say as she threw it open, "My brother! you'll catch your"

He is here by me, but I t'ink you best not take him, hmm? To cross t'e creek and go round t'e ot'er way take you more as all night; and to go back t'is same way you come, even if I wrap him up in piece paper you haven't got a lawch insite pocket you can carry him?" He laughed silently and the next instant was more in earnest than ever. "She is in a tight place!

Only they have to be careful over there. That's that's the hard part. I hope they have a one of those books over there and then maybe I hope they keep it open at page two hundred and eighty-four. Let me try it " "Ned give you one of those books?" "N no, I I saw one." "Hmm." "Well, let's get busy with the message, Pete."

If he's comin' as a soldier he won't get to the front very soon, 'cause they're mostly the drafted fellers that are comin' now and they have to go in training over here. I know, 'cause I've seen lots of 'em in billets." "Hmm," said Mr. Conne. "So if the feller expects to go to the front and get captured pretty soon, prob'ly he's in a special unit.

You should be as pleased with your progress as I am, not discouraged." "Three months, hmm? Then I guess I don't feel so bad." "That is good. I only hope we have the four to eight days I estimated, even as quickly as you are learning. By then you should be able to consistently come close to the effect you intend, and can begin working with the volunteers." "Yeah, me too. I have a lot to learn."