United States or Greenland ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

To the boy he surrendered hat and overcoat, and then in the midst of a feint at hitching up his shirt cuffs, as though meaning to wash his hands, he snapped his fingers impatiently. "I forgot something," he said for the boy's benefit; "left it in the café. Say, kid, watch my hat and coat, will you? I'll be back in a minute." "Yes, sir," promised the youth. "I'll take good care of 'em."

We stayed there three weeks longer, and the grass being good, by that time the stock was looking well. All this time we were expecting a Mormon train on the other side would cross over and break the road as they were not loaded, but not seeing any sign of them, the wagon-boss got tired of waiting, and hitching up, pulled about twenty miles to the edge of the snow.

I thought that would make dad stand without hitching, and it did. The Chicago man bought some cannon firecrackers, and I bought a cow's liver, and hitched it to a rope, and hid it in the back seat, and my Chicago friend and I took the back seat, and we got dad in the seat behind the driver, and started about an hour before dark out in the country, through a piece of woods that looked quite wolfy.

Every little while her eyes would meet his, and by that means the interchanging current of feeling would be fully connected. " Why don't you stay down town and go to the theatre with me?" he said, hitching his chair closer. The table was not very wide. " Oh, I can't," she said. " What are you going to do to-night?" " Nothing," she answered, a little drearily.

Even Spike was dumfounded at this, and there is no knowing what he might have said, had not an old sea-dog, who had just come out of the fore-topmast cross-trees, come aft, and, hitching up his trowsers with one hand while he touched his hat with the other, said with immoveable gravity, "The revenue-steamer has brought up just under the fort, Capt. Spike."

"Sim has run away, and if you want to know where he has gone, you must ask some one besides me," I added. "There! that will do," interposed the captain, sternly. "You may go and harness the horse." While I was hitching Darky to the post, I saw Barkspear leave the store, and I do not think he obtained much sympathy from Captain Fishley.

"I won't, mother," replied the soldier boy, as he again shook hands with all the members of the family, kissed his mother and his sisters, and hitching up his knapsack, took his place in the ranks. His heart seemed to be clear up in his throat. During the tender scene he had just passed through, he had manfully resisted his inclination to weep, but he could no longer restrain the tears.

The McPhersons have all good cause to abhor the very name of gambling," Miss McPherson replied, hitching her chair a little further away from Geraldine as from something poisonous; then, in her characteristic way of suddenly changing the conversation, she said: "You saw my nephew, Neil McPherson?" "Oh, yes," Mrs. Jerrold replied.

The language had not been graceful, nor the diction, yet she knew that Ace had struck the mark fairly, for woman indeed needed no tutor to teach her to understand man woman had always understood him. She dismounted from her pony at the edge of the porch, hitching the animal to one of the slender porch columns. Then she went into the house to gather up the few things that still remained there.

"Now for a breeze," said Coble, hitching up his trousers. "Yes," replied Short. "For a regular shindy," observed Spurey. "Hell to pay and no pitch hot," added Jemmy, laughing; and they all remained in anxious expectation of the corporal's return.