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"Mister, I want a word in private with you." "Certainly, sir," replied Dave. He was no longer crew captain on duty, but a fourth class man answering a first class man. Henley conducted Dave out of earshot of any one else before he turned to say, hissingly: "Mister, you used an upstart's privilege of abusing your authority this afternoon." "I think not, sir," replied Dave quietly.

Striker ate largely with his knife, and smacked his lips resoundingly; swigged coffee from his saucer through an overlapping moustache and afterwards hissingly strained the aforesaid obstruction with his nether lip; talked and laughed with his mouth full, but all with such magnificent zest that his guests overlooked the shocking exhibition. Indeed, the girl seemed quite accustomed to Mr.

With rake in one hand and a long, barbed pole in the other the old man bent over the bubbling torrent that the rack's teeth sucked hissingly between them. Bits of wood, soggy paper, an old umbrella, all manner of stuff which had been tossed into the canal by lazy folks up-stream, he raked and pulled up and piled at the end of his foot-bridge.

The vivid thing was an imprecation that by and by took awful form, like a monster of the mist, hissingly, from between his clenched teeth: "Damn Miss Europe!" Sally Madeira went to her own room early that Sunday night.

Jones at last recognized either his own waste of time or Moze's greatness, for he desisted, allowing the hound to keep close after him. The cougar, becoming uneasy, stood up, reached for another limb, climbed out upon it, and peering down, spat hissingly at Jones. But he kept steadily on with Moze close on his heels. I snapped my camera on them when Kitty was not more than fifteen feet above them.

Why can't you use it now, instead of wasting it in old stockings?" "I bank my money, wench," he hissingly put in. "Old stockings!" she repeated, loudly. "We could live splendidly at Wilbraham Hall on two thousand a year, and you would still be saving nearly three thousand a year." He said nothing.

Little waves lapped heavily against the boat's side, and the only glimpse of light at all was the yellow flicker of the lamp that hung from the mast of the vessel, casting a tremulous flicker on the sombrous tide, when all at once a great noise like the crash of thunder, or the roll of cannon, echoed through the air, and a meteor more brilliant than an imperial crown of diamonds, flared through the sky from height to depth, and with a blazing coruscation of flying stars and flame, dropped hissingly down into the sea.

Sergeant Overton now let go of the Filipino's shoulder, but only to throw his arm around the fellow's neck. Tomba's head was drawn back, almost chokingly, against the boyish sergeant's shoulder. "Three!" Still no motion among the dark-skinned eight. "Four!" And then: "Five! Tomba, your friends are cheerful about your fate, aren't they? Six!" Vicente Tomba spoke, sharply, hissingly.

Each man sat before his respective steak or hunk, gazing eagerly, as, skewered on the end of a splinter of wood, his supper roasted hissingly. When the side next the fire was partially cooked, he turned it round and fell to work upon that while the other side was roasting thus the cooking and the eating went on together.

"You are a thief, a shameless, deliberate thief!" She stood the image of mirthful, innocent girlhood, her smooth forehead unclouded, her eyes gleaming as if with the merriment of a child. "It is a pretty fire, isn't it, Maurice?" Then her whole expression changed. Into her dark, dewy eyes came a look of rage, visible murder in a glance. "You called me a liar, there in Boston," she said hissingly.