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They will take our money, make a few magical incantations, prescribe a useless drug, and leave their patient to the mercy of Fate." Hirsch Bensef was right. At the time of which we speak, medicine could scarcely be classed among the sciences in Russia, and if we accept the statement of modern travellers, the situation is not much improved at the present day.

The Hirsch millions, originally intended for Russia, went partly towards the establishment of Jewish schools in Galicia, a work which met with every possible encouragement from the Austrian Government.

"Can you not earn anything?" "How can I? I must cook for my little ones and watch my ailing child." "Are your children of no service to you?" "My oldest girl, Beile, is but seven years old. She does all she can to help me, but it is not much," answered Jentele, irritably. Hirsch sighed heavily and drawing out his purse, he placed a gold coin in the woman's hand.

Voltaire would be saying his Adieus, in state, among the others, to that high Being, just in the hours while such a scandalous Hirsch-Concoction went, on underground! "As to the Two Bills and Voltaire's security for them, readers are to note as follows. Alas, the shot will not even go off, for some time: an ill omen! "SUNDAY, 29th NOVEMBER, Hirsch, we hear, is still in Berlin.

"Yes, sir," replied Leonora, "my mother and I wanted to sell our dresses, because we hoped we would get money enough to buy my brother a complete uniform a rifle, sword, and shako; for my brother intends to enlist in Lutzow's corps of riflemen." "Your brother intends to enlist in Lutzow's corps of riflemen?" asked Hirsch, quickly.

Hirsch does not directly venture on naming Chasot: but by implication, by glimmers of evidence elsewhere, one sufficiently discovers that it is he: Lieutenant-Colonel, King's Friend, a man glorious, especially ever since Hohenfriedberg, and that haul of the "sixty-seven standards" all at once. In the way of Arbitration, Voltaire thinks Chasot might do something.

He is shy and I want him to make a good marriage; and above all he must marry an Englishwoman." MARGOT: "Has he ever been in love?" BARON HIRSCH: "No, he has never been in love; but a lot of women make up to him and I don't want him to be married for his money by some designing girl." MARGOT: "Over here I suppose that sort of thing might happen; I don't believe it would in England."

His simplicity was such that, though he had no sort of heroic idea of seeking death, the risk, deadly enough, to which he exposed himself, had a sustaining and comforting effect. To that spiritual state the fate of Hirsch presented itself as part of the general atrocity of things. He considered that episode practically. What did it mean?

The doctor had taken up an attitude of perfect ignorance, till at last Sotillo was induced to have Hirsch brought in to repeat the whole story, which was got out of him again with the greatest difficulty, because every moment he would break out into lamentations. At last, Hirsch was led away, looking more dead than alive, and shut up in one of the upstairs rooms to be close at hand.

The man with the steady face was listening intently, and she realized he was doing so and that, somehow, it was well that he should. "I do not think there is time for any one to sit down," she said, speaking more quickly than before. "It is not only that she has not come back. Fraulein Hirsch has presented her to one of her old employers-a Lady Etynge. Robin was delighted with her.