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It was furnished with hinges, which permitted it to fold together in a small compass, so that more than two persons might sit on one seat of a coach a feat not easily performed, when ladies were encompassed with whalebone hoops of six feet extent.

It rose on oiled hinges, with a pulley and a counter-weight, at a touch of a finger, and the person who was to appear, unless it was a part that the medium herself could take, descended in an instant by letting down a short light ladder, wrapped in cloth, so as to make no sound.

This apartment consisted of three rooms leading out of one another; firstly there was a dark and narrow antichambre wherein slept the aforesaid citizen-servant; then came a sitting-room sparsely furnished with a few chairs, a centre table and an iron stove, and finally there was the bedroom wherein the most conspicuous object was a large oak chest clamped with wide iron hinges and a massive writing-desk; the bed and a very primitive washstand were in an alcove at the farther end of the room and partially hidden by a tapestry curtain.

He laid hold of the bookcase, and opened it like a door on its hinges. It concealed a neat little room furnished in the style of Louis XV. Out of it stepped a man of about thirty, with pale delicate features and a melancholy aspect. "Sire," said the bookbinder in a humble voice, "now your time is come, and mine runs out.

An extract from Tennyson's 'Mariana' will well illustrate this: "All day within the dreamy house, The door upon the hinges creaked, The blue fly sung i' the pane; the mouse Behind the mouldering wainscot shrieked, Or from the crevice peered about." The several circumstances here specified bring with them many appropriate associations.

"At the other side the old gentleman told me to reach down for a brass knob. I thought a trick was going to be played on me, and I dodged. "'Do not be afraid; turn it when you pull; steady; there, that's it. It came, and a door shut of itself. "'Mighty good hinges! said I, 'don't make any noise, and go shut without slamming and cussing them. "'Yes yes! some of my own importation.

"You want to see that picture?" he asked. "If I might." He drew a bunch of keys from his pocket and calmly selected one. It was a little rusty, but the cupboard turned at once on its hinges. A woman's face smiled down upon them, dark and splendid, from the glowing touch of a great painter. Juliet studied it eagerly, and then stole a sidelong glance at the man by her side.

The clasps, too, appeared to have all they could do to keep its mouth shut, while the hinges bulged in an ominous way. I started one clasp, the other gave way with a burst, and the next instant, to my horror, the major's wardrobe littered the deck.

The rafters, the stairs, the tiles, were still existing, changeless in despite of cobwebs and dust and darkness, all quite changeless on the other side of the door, so near to me. I wondered how I should feel if by some enchantment the door slowly turned on its hinges, letting in light.

May 10, 1610, they were ready to sail with the whole party for Jamestown, which they reached without accident May 23. At Jamestown a sad sight met their view. The place looked like "some ancient fortification" all in ruins; the palisades were down, the gates were off their hinges, and the church and houses were in a state of utter neglect and desolation.