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Then the torch itself came into view, the hand which gripped it, the sleeve about the wrist, and finally the shoulders and the head of the individual stumbling and forcing his way towards them. "Ach, Himmel! What a find! The wretches were almost escaping. What perseverance, though; what hard work; and, yes, what hard luck to have been discovered just on the eve of breaking out of their prison!"

"Gott im Himmel, shall I get this army back to a stronger line or shall I risk all on a fight in the open, against those French and British guns and almost equal odds?" The failure of the German centre was the gravest disaster, and threatened von Kluck with the menace of an enveloping movement by the Allied troops which might lead to his destruction, with the flower of the Imperial troops.

Lieber himmel, I never saw such robbers; so finely dressed, so well armed, and mounted so bravely on two fiery little hakkas, that looked as if they could have taken wing and flown up into the clouds! So we continued staring at each other, till at last one asked me who I was, whence I came, and where I was going.

What Sherman said about Pope's and Steele's forces is true as Gospel, and if you ever took the trouble to look into that situation, Tiefel, you would see it." And Stephen brought down his mug on the table with a crash that made the bystanders jump. "Himmel!" exclaimed little Tiefel. But he spoke in admiration.

"Himmel, no!" said the big fellow, "I have had plenty for one day if you have not. We must postpone the pleasure." Dick set about the business of striking camp, and for a time was fully occupied. Meanwhile his mind was in a whirl.

My neighbor must have thought me very inattentive; but I felt that I could not lose a word of Mr. Brent's conversation. Mr. "What is a shindy?" inquired the governess, always anxious to improve her knowledge of the language. "Why, don't you know what a shindy is? No? Well, it's a free fight, where you kill promiscuous." "Gott im Himmel!" almost screamed the terrified damsel.

"If you decide to burn, it shall burn with you," said Ranjoor Singh, "and that trooper shall carry a good big stone instead to teach him manners!" "GOTT IN HIMMEL!" exclaimed Tugendheim, losing his self-control at last. "Can I offer what I have not got?" "Is there nothing you can do?" asked Ranjoor Singh. "In what way? How?" asked the German.

Best's anger disappeared as if by magic; his tone became apologetic. "Oh! Why didn't you say so? If he'll pay enough, and if you want him, why, of course " Laure interrupted with an unexpected dash of temper. "He isn't going to pay you anything: you're going to pay him top wages, too. Understand?" The unhappy recipient of this ultimatum raised his hands in a gesture of despair. "Himmel!

Christopher stood irresolute. 'They can do without me in the orchestra, said Carl, 'but I have been playing your song as it deserves to be played. Mademoiselle Hélène looks forward to its being played so. It gives her aid, I know. The people look to hear it well played, and if you do not go it will be given to Jones to Jones, Gott in Himmel! who plays as a mason cuts stone. Do come.

A couple of hours later the sun was out, and the distant hills shimmering in the heat haze. "Himmel! Ve are alvays lucky, Bonker!" he cried, and with gleeful energy brandished his dumb-bells in final preparation for his muscular exploits. "We certainly have escaped hanging so far," said the Count, as he drew on the trews which became his well-turned leg so happily.