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Now then, follow me without a sound." Leading his horse by the bit ring, Hilario moved out into the clearing, followed once more by his three companions. Concealment was out of the question now, for their only covering was the darkness.

I can say no more to you now. My heart oppresses me so that my lips refuse to speak. To-morrow, perhaps." "To-morrow morning I leave you, and there will be no opportunity of speaking," I said. "Don Hilario will be here watching you, and, though he is so much in the house, I cannot believe that you trust him."

"But would those hombres who put ’em there jus’ leaveno guards or nothin’?" "That is what we do not know," Hilario replied. "We took every precaution against being seen when Teodoro climbed to look into the canyon. Andthis I believewe were not suspected if there was any watcher. Otherwise, otherwise, señores, we would not have been alive to greet you when you rode in last night!

And perhaps the very last chapter will recount this wild ride of ours together, flying from that evil genius Hilario to some blessed refuge far away beyond the hills and woods and the blue line of the horizon. For when we reach the capital I believe I think I know, in fact "

"Mother of Heaven, save us!" she exclaimed in terror. "It is Don Hilario." I quickly blew out the one candle burning dimly in the room. "Fear nothing," I said. "When all is quiet, after he has gone to his room, we will make our escape."

He seemed to be a person of some consequence in the house, and when my conductress introduced him to me as "Don Hilario," he rose to his feet and received me with a profound bow.

Having won his point, Jacket regained his composure with suspicious suddenness and raced away to triumph over his beloved O'Reilly. Fifty miles of hard riding brought the party to the trocha; they neared it on the second morning after leaving Cubitas, and sought a secluded camping-spot. Later in the day Hilario, the old Camagueyan, slipped away to reconnoiter.

But for a white man is a different matter." "Waste a whole day jus’ waitin’!" Anse protested. "Señor, when one balances time against death, then I would say time is the better choice," Hilario replied. "But this day will not be wasted. If any watch usas well as those horsesthey will see us about our business and will have no doubt that we hunt wild horses, not stolen ones."

They no longer ventured to speak aloud; nothing but the occasional sound of a hoof striking upon root or stone, the creak of leather, or the rustle of branches against passing bodies gave evidence that mounted men were en route. When they had covered a couple of miles Hilario reined in and the others crowded close.

She was trembling with apprehension and nestled close to me; while we both listened intently and heard Don Hilario unsaddle his horse, then going softly, whistling to himself, to his room. "Now he has shut himself up," I said, "and in a few minutes will be asleep.