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Hilaire Belloc, and some special correspondents of the London "Times" give a most vivid picture of actual conditions in the Austro-Italian mountains in war times.

Hilaire has strongly insisted on the high importance of relative position or connexion in homologous parts; they may differ to almost any extent in form and size, and yet remain connected together in the same invariable order. We never find, for instance, the bones of the arm and forearm, or of the thigh and leg, transposed.

He has, I should say, slightly less than a thousand men." "You know a good deal about this regiment called the Invincibles, do you not, Mr. Shepard?" "I do, sir. Its colonel, Talbot, and its lieutenant-colonel, St. Hilaire, are as brave men as any that ever lived, and the regiment has an extraordinary reputation in the Southern army for courage.

Hilaire got up, came across to where his brother sat, and laid a caressing hand on his shoulder. "Dear Jean, will it comfort you to hear me swear she means every word of that letter? It's not all over. You will come together in the end. Her poor blue eyes were drowned in tears " "Oh, don't," Jean said brokenly. The hard line of his lips relaxed. He hid his face in his hands.

She knelt down on the bear skin and stretched her hands to the blaze. Hilaire noticed that she was excessively thin; the rose-flushed cheeks were hollow and the curves of the sweet cleft chin too sharp.

But I prithee, damsel, tell me what is thy name, for I know not yet how thou art called." "Sir," she said, "I am called Croisette of the Dale, and my brother is called Sir Hilaire of the Dale, and it is to his castle that I am about to take thee to rest for this time." Then Sir Launcelot said: "I go with thee, damsel, wherever it is thy will to take me."

I have written out my speech on Irish Land and read it to Gavard. It will take about fifteen or twenty minutes in the delivery. I breakfast tomorrow morning with St. Hilaire. December 27th. I went to the English Church in the Rue d'Aguesseau on Christmas Day full congregation and nice service but saw nobody I knew. Mme.

"Look! there is the musician from the garret!" exclaimed a large, dark-skinned woman, pretty, but very vulgar, who seemed to be Mrs. Hilaire. And, turning to Henrietta, she asked, "Will you take a little glass of something, my darling?" The poor girl blushed crimson, and, painfully embarrassed, declined, and asked pardon for declining; when the lady broke in rather rudely, and said,

Hilaire and De Blainville, from different points of view, contested Cuvier's hypothesis; and the discussion, which has much interest as bearing on paleontology, has been recently revived under a somewhat modified form: Professors Huxley and Owen being respectively the assailant and defender of the hypothesis.

Gladstone said: "Any man who advances one step the cause of Christian unity in his life may well lie down to die content that he had a life well lived." We said advisedly "our" attitude, for it is a vastly interesting point to note with Hilaire Belloc: "The Catholic understands his opponent, whereas that opponent does not understand him.