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Why have you come here? Lord Wetherby looked doubtfully at Claire. 'Oh, that's all right, said Lady Wetherby. 'Claire knows all about it I told her. 'Then I appeal to Miss Fenwick, if, as you say, she knows all the facts of the case, to say whether it is reasonable to expect a man of my temperament, a nervous, highly-strung artist, to welcome the presence of snakes at the breakfast-table.

Such a marriage would be the making of his highly-strung, fine-natured friend. As he hurriedly finished dressing, Panton plumed himself on his cleverness. With all his heart he hoped the day would come when he would be able to say to Varick: "Ages before you thought of her, old chap, I selected Miss Brabazon as your future bride!" He hoped, uneasily, that Sir Lyon was not seriously in the running.

Suddenly he was back in Egypt with his heart thumping at his ribs. An object seemed to move on the plain in front of him. The ready bayonet was lowered, the trigger was touched. Only for a moment, however. The shadow of a cloud had passed from behind a bush that was all; yet it was strange how very like to a real object it seemed to his highly-strung vision.

First, the inevitable reaction after the over-excitement of breaking up, sending off presents and cards, and duly celebrating the Yule-tide feast. Diana was a highly-strung little person, whose nerves were apt to get on edge, and who made the common mistake of trying to live too fast.

Her temperament idealistic and highly-strung, responsive as a violin to every shade of atmosphere invoked his own, with its sensitiveness and keen, perceptive faculty. But this very comprehension of her temperament blinded him to the possibility that there was any danger of her growing to care for him other than as a friend.

The explanation of the final sentence of the above telegram is as follows. I have already mentioned that Mr. Gerard was not popular in Berlin, owing to his very highly-strung temperament, his impetuosity and his want of tact. His recall was eagerly desired. Consequently, I had received instructions to arrange, if possible, for the replacement of Mr.

Getting up before Mrs. Halliday returned, she left word that she had a headache and went to bed. Next morning Mordaunt came to Whitelees and found Evelyn alone. He sat down opposite with a careless smile and she noted his smooth urbanity and easy pose. Jim as a rule was restless, and highly-strung. "Seeing Dick and your mother in the car encouraged me to call," he said.

A dull, heavy, painstaking, conscientious boy with a sturdy sense of duty may be respected, but he is not followed; while the imaginative, sensitive, nervous, highly-strung boy, who may have the finest qualities of all within him, is apt to be the most despised.

He compared him to a monument of marble or of bronze, with the statue of the commander in Don Juan! For himself he admitted he had been conscious of some perturbation of mind, 'but, of course, I am an artist, he observed; 'I have a highly-strung nature, while you are the son of the snows and the granite rocks. Sanin was positively at a loss how to quiet the jubilant artist.

I am studying you for your own good. In the meantime permit me to analyze your words a little. You are young and inexperienced. You speak of the 'over-sensitiveness, the fatal delicacy, the highly-strung nervousness of the feminine nature. My dear lady, if you had lived as long as I have, you would know that these are mere stock phrases for the most part meaningless.