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Thankful as I was for the departure of Captain Magnus, I underwent torments in the stifling interior of the cabin. Aunt Jane wept piteously. I had almost a fellow-feeling with Miss Higglesby-Browne when she relapsed from her rigidity for a moment and turning on Aunt Jane fiercely ordered her to be still. This completed the wreck of Aunt Jane's universe.

By beginning at the end and reading backward Aunt Jane's letters are usually most intelligible that way you managed to piece together some explanation of this Miss Higglesby-Browne and her place in the scheme of things.

I forgot fear, forgot Miss Higglesby-Browne, forgot the harshness of the Scotch character. "Oh, glorious, glorious!" I cried to Cuthbert Vane. "Not so dusty, eh?" he came back in their ridiculous English slang. Now an American would have said some little old moon that! We certainly have our points of superiority.

Miss Browne requested the sense of the meeting on the matter. Under the fire of this arraignment I sat hot-cheeked and incredulous, while a general wave of agitation seemed to stir the drowsy atmosphere. Aunt Jane was quivering, her round eyes fixed on Miss Higglesby-Browne like a fascinated rabbit's on a serpent. Mr.

"Come, out with it, Tubbs," advised Mr. Shaw. Then the lips of Mr. Tubbs parted, and from them issued this solitary word: "Eureka!" "What?" screamed Miss Higglesby-Browne. "You have found it?" Solemnly Mr. Tubbs inclined his head. "Eureka!" he repeated. "I have found it!" Amidst the exclamations, the questions, the general commotion which ensued, I had room for only one thought that Mr.

Shaw, who alone of all the party sat imperturbable, except for a viciously bitten lip. Miss Higglesby-Browne had drawn a deep breath, preparatory to resuming her verbal ramble, but I sprang to my feet.

I may be rather a man or thought than action, ma'am, and at present far from my native heath, which is the financial centers of the country, but if I remember right it was Ulysses done the dome-work for the Greeks, while certain persons that was depended on sulked in their tents. Miss Higglesby-Browne, you can count count, I say on old H. H.!" "I thank you, Mr.

Having already played his highest trump and missed the trick, he now found himself with an entirely fresh hand dealt to him by the obliging Miss Higglesby-Browne. The care in his countenance yielded to beaming smiles. "Well, well!" he exclaimed. "To think of your takin' old H. H. that literal!

From Miss Higglesby-Browne had come a snort of fury, but she said nothing, having apparently no confidence in the effect of oratory on pirates. She did not even exhort Aunt Jane, but left it to me to sustain my drooping aunt as best I could. As Mr. Tubbs made his whole-hearted and magnanimous proposal Captain Tony opened his small black eyes and contemplated him with attention.

What might have transpired, had Miss Higglesby-Browne had time to gather breath, I dare not think, but just then there came from the woods the sound of footsteps and voices, and the three pirates and Mr. Tubbs entered the clearing. A thrill ran through the camp. Captors and captives forgot all else but the great, the burning question had the treasure been discovered?