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"Dearest," he said gently, "please don't run away from me again." Her eyes were brimming, and he read his answer in them. Quickly it was no time to harry her emotions further; but so much he had felt he must say . he brushed her hand with his lips and joined Hickey. Thrusting the detective gently into the outer room, with a not unfriendly hand upon his shoulder, Maitland closed the door.

He pulled himself together with an effort. "Excuse me, Mr. Maitland," he stammered, "I wasn't lookin' for yeh." "To the contrary, I gather from your greeting that you were expecting our friend, Mr. Anisty?" And the grey man smiled. Hickey smiled in sympathy, but with less evident relish of the situation's humor. "That's right," he admitted.

That I was indulging in target practice at this time of night?" "Which way'd he go?" "Back of the flat through the window to the fire-escape, I suppose. I took a couple of shots after him, but missed, and inasmuch as he was armed, I didn't pursue." Hickey stepped forward, glowering unpleasantly at the young man. "Yeh go along," he told the uniformed man, "'nd see 'f he's tellin' the truth.

A languid hand pushed the pink menu card across the table to Mr. Hickey. "And what do you see that you'd like?"

The Reverend Hickey has appealed strongly to my love of legend. Let us admire the poetry of his narrative and ignore the balance of probability between a Christian priest telling a lie on his own oath and a graveyard swimming across a river in the middle of the night and forgetting to return." "Tom Hickey is not telling a lie, you may take my word on that. But he may be mistaken."

"Father Hickey," I replied, "before the sun rises again upon Four Mile Water, I will undo the visible work of God's hand, and bring the pointing finger of the scoffer upon your altar." I bowed to Kate, and walked out. It was so dark that I could not at first see the garden gate.

Meantime Nancy, still shrieking her refrain, "Kill him! kill him!" was dragging forward Hickey, who had partially recovered from The Don's blow, to renew the attack. "Come on, you cowards!" she cried to the other men. "What are you afraid of? Come on." Stung by her taunts the men, led by Hickey, prepared to rush, when the door opened and Sergeant Crisp appeared.

"But this place is barely four miles from the hotel. We can get back in an hour." "What ye goin' to do with this feller, anyway?" demanded Hickey, jerking a thumb in the direction of the frightened Gaston. "Turn him over to the police," spoke Jack, promptly. "Even if we fail to prove anything else Hal can help me fasten a charge of felonious assault on the scoundrel.

If you would see for yourself a miracle which can never pall, a vision of youth and health to be crowned with garlands for ever, come down and see Kate Hickey, whom you suppose to be a little girl. Illusion, my lord cardinal, illusion! She is seventeen, with a bloom and a brogue that would lay your asceticism in ashes at a flash.

The fingers tightened upon his own, slowly, surely; and in the blinding joy of that moment he was made conscious of the ineffable sweetness of opening, wondering eyes. "Hm, hrumm!" Thus Hickey, the inopportunely ubiquitous, lumbering hastily in from the other office and checking, in an extreme of embarrassment, in the middle of the floor.