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What's that the crazy galoot's after saying?" The question came from a thickset man, of about middle age, upon whose upper lip bristled a fringe of reddish hair. His eyes were blue, narrow and evil, and his face was scarred in half a dozen places. "Why, Hickey, my amigo, he says that the place is haunted," laughed Ramon.

"No, no, no!" pleaded Gaston, almost tearfully. "Not such disgrace as that!" "Let me have a pair of the bracelets," requested Hickey, holding out one of his hands. "Now, my tine bird, let me clip yer wings." Gaston submitted meekly enough, then was dragged to his feet.

Shooting a rapid, and out into a deep pool at its foot, the Doctor's boat struck a snag, and he, having a resisting power equal to that of a billiard-ball, put his heels where his head had been, and disappeared under the water, to pop up again instantly, sputtering and spitting, like a jug full of yeast with a corn-cob stopper. "Oh, Hickey!

"To be frank with you, I have three excellent reasons. The first should be sufficient: I'm too lazy." Disgruntled, Hickey stared and shook a disapproving head. "I was afraid of that; yeh swells don't never seem to think nothin' of yer duties to soci'ty." Anisty airily waved the indictment aside. "Moreover, I have lost nothing.

With that, I tells the clown to be of good cheer. I'll prance in an' render that lay an' his hoarseness won't prove no setback to the gaiety of nations. "'But I don't sing after all; an' I don't pile up Jule an' old Hickey an' the sports of Sni-a-bar neither in any all 'round jumble of amazement at my genius.

Hickey still ran his saloon, and his gang still aided him in all his nefarious work. Men were still "run" into the saloon or the red-light houses, there to be "rolled," and thence to be kicked out, fit candidates for the hospital.

Are you on ze way to ze mines?" Handsome Jack took another pull at the flask. His good humor returning in proportion as he felt warmed up by the spirits, he said more amiably: "I guess not. My pal and I have enough of the cursed place ain't we, Hickey?" The sailor man glanced dolefully at his limping foot, and nodded his head in acquiescence. "You show us the trail home.

"Yeh c'n tell it all to the magistrate to-morrow morning. Meantime yeh'll have time to think up a yarn explainin' how it come that a crook like Anisty made three attempts in one day to steal some jewels, 'nd didn't get 'em. Where were they all this time?" "In safe-keeping," Maitland lied manfully, with a furtive glance toward the alcove. "Whose?" pursued Mr. Hickey truculently.

Every cent he made went to the grog shop, and Hickey, never over fond of work at any time, was only too glad of an excuse to drink with him. The two cronies filled themselves with rum until their reason tottered, and they became beasts, refusing to work, growing ugly, even menacing, preferring to beg the food their empty stomachs craved for rather than toil, as before.

That will be enough to keep him locked up for a couple of years to come." Gaston heard this with a falling jaw, though he did not venture to say anything. "Well, Jerry and me are ready whenever you are, mates," hinted big Hickey. Jack nodded, and they filed out, Jerry coming last of all to make sure that the Frenchman did not lag behind.