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To the man that made the blessed country. To hic to Jacob Welse!" "And a rider!" Blanche cried. "To Jacob Welse's daughter!" "Ay! Standing! And bottoms up!" "Oh! she's a jolly good fellow," Del led off, the drink ruddying his cheek. "I'd like to shake hands with you, just once," Blanche said in a low voice, while the rest were chorusing.

'Hic requiescit THOMAS PARNELL, S.T.P. Qui sacerdos pariter et poeta, Utrasque partes ita implevit, Ut neque sacerdoti suavitas poetae, Neo poetae sacerdotis sanctitas , deesset. Various Readings in the Life of PARNELL.

Hither, slave! and see that she dons the costume quickly, for we must haste." "The slave hithers," said Laura jovially. "Here you are, Rambunctious Rhoda from Rawhide Springs. Put 'em on." She held out the overalls and jumper to the surprised new girl, who hesitated to take them. "Hic jacet! The varlet refuses 'em!" hissed the red-haired girl. "Goodness, Laura," whispered Nan.

I am an advocate of the Law of Nothing. I remember a worthy philosopher who, when he was in his cups, earnestly assured me it was all right 'everything was nothing, and nothing was everything. 'You are sure that is so? I would say to him. 'My dear young friend hic I am positive!

The constitution of the United States, that most wonderful of the emanations of providential wisdom, seems to be not only the home of Webster's affections and seat of his proudest hopes, but the very type of his understanding and fountain of his intellectual strength: "hic illius arma; Hic currus."

"Alas! his heart's dearest father was right; but he would amend his evil life; and, in proof of it, let the reverend deacon, M. Vitus, here present, wed him now instantly to Sidonia." Hic. "It is too late. I counsel thee rather to wed thy poor soul to the holy Saviour, like the repentant thief on the cross. See here is a priest, and there is a coffin."

"Non homo me melior Rome est. Ego nil peto ab ullo. Non sum verbosus. Hic sedeo et taceo." It had become the custom, upon occasions of public festivity, to adorn Pasquin with suits of garments, and with paint, forcing him to assume from time to time different characters according to the fancy of his protectors. Sometimes he appeared as Neptune, sometimes as Chance or Fate, as Apollo or Bacchus.

Four rhymes seem to be specially the property of schoolboys, being found in Accidences, Spellers, "Logick" Primers, and other school-books, down even to the present day. "This book is one thing, My fist's another, If you touch the one thing, You'll feel the other." "Hic liber eat meus And that I will show Si aliquis capit I'll give him a blow."

Hic amor, hæc patria est!" It is in the hero of the Idylls and not in the hero of the Iliad that we find the key to such a character as this. So far is Vergil from being the mere imitator of Homer that in spite of his close and loving study of the older poem its temper seems to have roused him only to poetic protest.

His corpse was interred the same evening in the church of the monastery, according to his will; and his tomb was covered with a plain stone, on which, ten years after, Manso, his friend and admirer, caused this simple epitaph to be engraved Hic Jacet Torquatus Tasso. By JOSEPH FORSTER Cervantes, the Shakespeare of Spain, led a life of the most romantic and adventurous kind.