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As geographical knowledge increased, the situation of the Hesperian gardens was continually removed to a greater distance. It was transferred to the borders of the great Syrtis, in the neighborhood of Mount Atlas. Here, after traversing the frightful deserts of Barca, the traveler found himself in a fair and fertile country, watered by rivulets and gushing fountains.

Although it was the first winter month, in M. Van Renen's orange grove at Constantia, the trees were so laden with the Hesperian fruit, that their limbs were bent to the ground and many broken. Saw there also, pomegranates, liquots, rose apples, and a variety of tropical fruits, some ready to pluck, others in different stages of ripening. Up betimes the next morning for a walk through Cape Town.

We have not settled that yet and we still allow the German Ambassador to discuss it after the Hesperian and other such acts showed that his Arabic pledge was worthless. The Lusitania grows larger and larger in European memory and imagination. It looks as if it would become the great type of war atrocities and barbarities.

Thus was this place A happy rural seat of various views, Groves whose rich trees wept odorous gums and balm, Others, whose fruit, burnish'd with golden rind, Hung amiable, Hesperian fables true. Wednesday, March 28th. At midnight the wind was slightly ahead, and we could distinctly smell the fragrant breezes and spicy odours of Ceylon.

For, who does not hear them floating above those sweet fields of the olden time those bright Hesperian gardens, where, for us at least, the fruits are all golden, and the airs all happy? Beautiful, sad ditties of the brilliant past! not he who writes would have you lost from memory, for all the modern world of music.

What pool soever holds thy source, who pitiest our discomforts, from whatsoever soil thou dost spring excellent in beauty, ever shall my worship, ever my gifts frequent thee, the hornèd river lord of Hesperian waters. Ah, be thou only by me, and graciously confirm thy will. So speaks he, and chooses two galleys from his fleet, and mans them with rowers, and withal equips a crew with arms.

For thou hast a long journey to take, and many seas to cross, till thou come to the Hesperian shore, where Lydian Tiber flows softly through a good land and a fertile. There shalt thou have great prosperity, and take to thyself a wife of royal race. Weep not, then, for Creusa, whom thou lovest, nor think that I shall be carried away to be a bond-slave to some Grecian woman.

Sometimes we would venture in a body, and get near the Hesperian tree, keeping an eye upon the old mansion, and darting fearful glances into its shattered window; when, just as we were about to seize upon our prize, an exclamation from some one of the gang, or an accidental noise, would throw us all into a panic, and we would scamper headlong from the place, nor stop until we had got quite into the road.

Where men are forever handling heaps of money, it is prudent to fortify them doubly against temptation with self-respect, and a sufficient salary. Piles of glittering gold, amiable as Hesperian fruit; heaps of silver paper, that seem to whisper as they rustle, "Think how great we are, yet see how little; we are fifteen thousand pounds, yet we can go into your pocket; whip us up, and westward ho!

She in the meantime has relented of her coldness, and is pining for his love. An opportunity soon offers itself for his purpose. By mistake or through ignorance she plucks the Hesperian apples in the sacred grove, an offence for which she is condemned to be offered as a sacrifice to a monster who inhabits a cave on the shore, and is known by the name of Maleorchus.