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They were almost at the end of the fence by this, and the pickets were sharp and rather high, or he would have climbed them. Cynthia paused hesitatingly. "I'll come at two o'clock to-morrow," said he; "We're going on a picnic to-day, to Dalton's Bend, on the river. I wish I could get out of it." Just then there came a voice from the gateway. "Bob! Bob Worthington!" They both turned involuntarily.

"Do you think He looks at it in that way?" murmured Muriel, her arms tightening. "There wouldn't be much in life for any of us if He did." "I don't know," Daisy said again. She lay quiet for a little as though pondering something. Then at length hesitatingly she spoke. "Muriel, there is one thing that whether I live or whether I die I want with my whole heart. May I tell you what it is?"

Allonby came in and out, speaking little to anyone. He took long walks by himself, and would shut himself up for hours in his den writing, or trying to write, the book that was going to bring him a fortune. Autumn crept on; the days grew short, and dark, and at last Margot ventured to have a talk with her master. 'It will be about the children's schooling, she said hesitatingly.

And I suppose that it's true that she thought she saw the the spirits she described so wonderfully?" "I doubt if even she thought she actually saw them. I think she only perceived each image in the mind of the person to whom she was speaking." "I suppose," asked Helen hesitatingly, "that you haven't the slightest belief in ghosts, Miss Farrow?"

She understands me fully, and although at first she was a little inclined to fight, she soon she soon well, she knuckled under gracefully when she found she must." "Did she consent to the marriage?" I asked, well knowing that even if she had consented in words, she had no thought of doing so in deed. "Y-e-s," returned Sir George, hesitatingly. "I congratulate you," I replied.

If not they would find someone else who would. "But but can that be done?" I asked hesitatingly. Vail smiled, confident of my yielding. "Easily," he assured. "Young Henley has been away five years; even before that he was absent at school so much as to be practically unknown except to the older servants. These have all been discharged, and scattered. The wife is entirely unknown there.

Her godfather's caress seemed the last thing that was left to her out of that young filial life, which now looked so happy to her even in its troubles, for they were troubles untainted by anything hateful. "Is silence best, my Romola?" said the old man. "Yes, now; but I cannot tell whether it always will be," she answered, hesitatingly, raising her head with an appealing look.

"Hm!" hummed the witch, looking at Nemu while she raised herself on her stick. "What has come to you that you take the fate of these great people to heart as if it were your own?" The dwarf reddened, and answered hesitatingly, "Katuti is a good mistress, and, if things go well with her, there may be windfalls for you and me." Hekt shook her head doubtfully.

"This affair may drag on almost indefinitely, and a personal strife is apt to be lowering." "Yes," said Erica, musingly, "to be libeled does set one's back up dreadfully, and to be much praised humbles one to the very dust." "What will the Fane-Smiths say to this? Will they believe it of me?" "I can't tell," said Erica, hesitatingly.

At last a soldier from a distant fire came into this circle of light. He studied for a time the man who sat apart. Then he hesitatingly stepped closer, and said: "Got any news, Dan?" "No," said Dan. The new-comer shifted his feet. He looked at the fire, at the sky, at the other men, at Dan. His face expressed a curious despair; his tongue was plainly in rebellion.