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"Now then, boys, you must prepare for your punishment, I cannot allow this evidently wilful inattention. Off with your clothes except your shirts and stockings." We hesitatingly stripped; poor Harry Dale weeping at the thought of the dreaded punishment. I deemed it prudent also to draw a long face.

"He would call me 'Mamma'!" Then she hummed to herself, "'O Spring! Oh, I must have him!" Her hope became such an obsession that its irrationality did not strike her. It was so in her mind that she even spoke of it once to Mrs. Houghton. "I know you know?" she said; "Maurice told me he told you." Mary Houghton said, hesitatingly, "I think I know what you mean." This was in March. Mrs.

She paused a moment, and he prompted her with a close-clipped: "Yes?" "I wanted him to come in and tell you about it," she said hesitatingly "but he wouldn't do it. He is a most agreeable old man, but, I imagine of a very nervous temperament. So," she added with a hurried little laugh, "as I was the only one who knew you, I said that I would come in and tell you myself."

I have nothing but black bread and a little butter." "Lord, what a little donkey!" he said, smiling, and he took her face between his hands. "And you stand there lamenting! Just you be cutting the bread-and-butter!" Ellen set to work hesitatingly. But before she appeared with the refreshments they heard her bang the front door and go running down the steps. After a time she returned. "Oh, Lord!

Mrs Null called to him in a cheerful tone and the dog arose, and, hesitatingly, put his forefeet on the bottom step; then, when she held out her hand and spoke to him again, he determined that, come what might, he would go up those forbidden steps, and let her pat his head.

"Phil, my darling," he said rather hesitatingly, "do you mind if I ask you but don't you like your ring? I notice you do not wear it and if you dislike it I will give you another. You shall have just what you fancy." "Oh," cried Philippa, "you are making a mistake; indeed I do not dislike it. It is careless of me to have forgotten it; you must forgive me."

Go you down to the office, and order me a cup of chocolate, and wait you and bring it up to me. That maudite drogue, that coffee, this morning, has made me as thirsty as a panthère." Phoeby, glancing across at Mrs. Tynn, turned somewhat hesitatingly to pick her way out of the room. The housekeeper, though not half understanding, contrived to make out that the morning coffee was not approved of.

"We have dared tell nobody," he replied; and a moment later he added hesitatingly, "You, I know, will not betray us." "Do you know me so little that you doubt me on that score? Have no fear, Andrea, I shall not speak. Besides, to-morrow, or the next day at latest, I leave Canaples." "You do not mean that you are returning to the Lys de France!" "No. I am going farther than that.

The very fact of adoption by so miserably rich a man as myself would buy a child's duty and obedience rather than win it. I will have no heir at all, unless I can discover one whose love for me is sincerely unselfish and far above all considerations of wealth or worldly advantage." "It is rather late in the day, perhaps," said Vesey after a pause, speaking hesitatingly, "but but you might marry?"

They are always acting upon motives of vanity, and there is no more real modesty in their behaviour before they appear in public than afterwards." "I do not know," replied Miss Crawford hesitatingly. "Yes, I cannot agree with you there. It is certainly the modestest part of the business.