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But I shall think of you with gratitude forever." Her large eyes had been glittering through tears as she uttered the words, and there was a tremor in the grey-haired lover's voice as he asked in hesitating, embarrassed tones: "And if the man for whom you are waiting I do not ask his name shuts his ears to the call that has reached him, if he declines to share the uncertain destiny of his people?"

But some golfers like taking the fullest mashie stroke that they can, and, when hesitating between the use of an iron or the lofting club, they usually decide in favour of the latter.

To counterbalance, she knew more than anyone alive what a good son and brother Horatio had always been. But she could not restrain a smile at the picture of the partnership. "Precisely, you see yourself," said Armorer. "Meg" hesitating "you don't suppose it would be any use to offer Esther a cool hundred thousand to promise to bounce this young fellow?" "Horatio, NO!" cried Mrs.

That is, there are those doubting, hesitating souls who postpone making a decision until action is forced upon them by some accidental event. These let other persons or the course of events make their decisions for them. There is such a delicate balancing of the desires usually because all desires are equally weak that none stands out to dominate the choice of a line of action.

I grant it; yet, notwithstanding, I refuse to stigmatize, as many have done, those men who have committed the fault of hesitating; I feel that to rank them among the champions of slavery is to pervert facts, and to fall into a blamable exaggeration. Again, to-day, after the election of Mr.

"You will go to M. le Duc, Félix, and rise in his favour, for it was you saved his life. Then tell him this from me that some day, when I have made me worthy to enter his presence, then will I go to him and beg his forgiveness on my knees. And now farewell." He slipped away into the darkness. I stood hesitating for a moment. Then I followed my lord.

The door creaks, the cat springs into the middle of the room in a fright; Olof looks up from his work. Enters a young woman, elegantly dressed, her hair town-fashion up on her head, under a coquettish summer hat a scornful smile plays about the corners of her mouth. She stands hesitating a moment, as if uncertain what to say.

"I was feeling reckless and I wrote recklessly. I knew she would disapprove and I wrote foolishly. It was the echo of her own stupid talk. I said that I did not love her brother but that I had no scruples whatever in marrying him." She paused, hesitating, then with a shy half-laugh: "I really believed I was selling myself, Mr Marlow. And I was proud of it.

He must have told this story frequently, for he told it fluently, never hesitating for words, choosing them with skill to make his description vivid. Gentlemen, I have never hunted, neither did my father, nor my grandfather, nor my great-grandfather. This last was the son of a man who hunted more than all of you put together. He died in 1764. I will tell you the story of his death.

With all her courage and strength, she could not quite control her memory, and the words she had prepared so carefully were suddenly confused. Giovanni completed the sentence for her in his own way. 'I have come to life to find you dead for me, as I have been dead for you. Is that what you were going to say? She was still hesitating. 'Was it that? he insisted. 'No, she answered, at last.