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A warrant was then issued for the apprehension of Thomas Leicester. And, that same night, Mrs. Gaunt left Hernshaw in her own chariot between two constables, and escorted by armed yeomen. Her proud head was bowed almost to her knees, and her streaming eyes hidden in her lovely hands. For why? A mob accompanied her for miles, shouting, "Murderess! Bloody Papist!

He retired very angry, and renewed his advertisements, but in a more explicit form. He now published that Griffith Gaunt, of Hernshaw and Bolton, was executor and residuary legatee to the late Griffith Gaunt of Coggleswade; and requested him to apply directly to James Atkins, Solicitor, of Gray's Inn, London.

Hewson!" and she whipped forward, and joined the other women, who were following the lead of St. John and the widow. Mrs. Rock, to whom Hewson had been presented at the same time as to Miss Hernshaw, looked vaguely back at him over her shoulder, but made no attempt to include him in her group, and he thought, for no reason, that she was kept from doing so on account of Miss Hernshaw.

She then sat down with Mr. Houseman, and went through the written case he had prepared for her, and showed him notes she had taken of full a hundred criminal trials great and small. While they were putting their heads together, Sir George sat in a brown study, and uttered not a word. Presently he got up a little brusquely, and said, "I'm going to Hernshaw." "What, at this time of night?

In thinking the point over it occurred to Hewson that this was so because he was not wanted there, and not wanted by Miss Hernshaw herself; for it had been in his brief experience of her that she let people know what she wanted, and that with Mrs. Rock, whose character seemed to answer to her name but poorly, she had ways of getting what she wanted.

If Miss Hernshaw had wished to meet him again, he could not doubt that she would have asked him, or at the least had him asked to come and see her, and not have left it to the social fortutities to bring them together.

Miss Hernshaw caught her breath, as if she were going to speak, but she did not say anything. "Why do you insist upon all this, Miss Hernshaw?" he entreated. "It can do you no good to follow the matter up!" "Do you think I want to do myself good?" she returned. "I want to do myself harm! What did he say when he came to see you?"

John; but then I realized that if he answered and told you what I ought to have told you myself, it would make it worse, and I came back." "I don't know whether it would have made it worse; but you have come too late," said Miss Hernshaw. "I've just written to Mr. St. John." They were both silent for what Hewson thought a long time.

Miss Hernshaw, may I ask whether you have done anything it seems a very unwarrantable question about St. Johnswort?" "About buying it?" "Yes. It will be useless to make any offer for it." "Why will it be useless to do that?" "Because because I have bought it myself." "You have bought it?" "Yes; when he came to me last night, and made those representations Well, in short, I have bought the place."

John has had the trellis put up and the spot fresh turfed," and he detached the interlocutory widow in the direction of their bachelor host, as she perhaps intended he should, and dropped back to the side of Miss Hernshaw. She was almost spiritually slender.