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The man had a sort of familiar look and his slang certainly reminded me of someone we had met. "Who was it?" I inquired under my breath, as he disappeared among the players. "Didn't you recognize him?" queried Garrick. "Why, that was Herman, Dillon's man, the fellow, you know, who is investigating this place." I had not recognized the detective in evening clothes.

In order to accomplish this it would be necessary to prevent either the steward or the mate from entering the after cabin. All peril from the negro I dismissed quickly, confident that his knowledge of my standing on board would impel him to accept any explanation I might make. But with Herman the situation was not so clear.

Herman bore the eye-to-eye very well; indeed, it seemed to please him, for he continued to laugh while Verman chuckled delightedly. The brothers had been in the country picking berries for a week, and it happened that this was their first experience of the new manifestation of Penrod. "HAVEN'T I been up at the Third?" the sinister Penrod demanded. "I don' reckon so. How come you ast ME?"

I certainly deemed this to be very questionable, but there was no use in anticipating evil. On reaching the farm-house, Herman Mordaunt's delight and gratitude may more easily be imagined than described. He folded Anneke to his heart, and she wept like an infant on his bosom. Nor was I forgotten in this touching scene but came in for a full share of notice.

In 1771, during the "Regulation" troubles, he was selected by the people, with Herman Husbands, to receive the lawful fees of the sheriffs, and other crown officers, whose exorbitant exactions and oppressive conduct were then everywhere disturbing the peace and welfare of society.

Hummed Grant Herman to himself, taking his lonely way down the dim and dingy streets leading to the wharves where he had his abode: "'I strew these opiate flowers Oh, what a woman she is! She might be Brunhilde, or she might be Burd Helen; 'I strew these I wonder what she had to say to Fenton that she made him stay. Confound that fellow!

Brudenell came to sign his own name as one of the witnesses, he happened to glance at the bridegroom's long train of names. He read them over with a smile at their length, but his eye fastened upon the last one "Dugald," "Dugald"? Herman Brudenell, like the immortal Burton, thought he had "heard that name before," in fact, was sure he had "heard that name before!"

You can cash your checks. You're known so much better than I, and it's Sunday night " "And it's a fine way to keep holy the Sabbath day," Matt Peasley retorted and hung up. "Well," Herman Joost queried, "do we stay here all night?" Bill Peck bowed his head. "Look here," he demanded suddenly, "do you know a good diamond when you see it?" "I do," Herman Joost replied.

Near Gallipolis, Ohio, there stood within a few years an old house of four rooms that had been occupied by Herman Deluse. He lived there alone, and, though his farming was of the crudest sort, he never appeared to lack for anything. The people had an idea that the place was under ban, and it was more than suspected that its occupant had been a pirate.

It was granted to Augustine Herman, Bohemian, whose tombstone, now lying in the yard of Richard Bayard, on the site of Herman's park, bears date 1661. He received the manor for making an early map of Maryland, and granted a part of the land to the sect of Labadists.