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'And do not they see that all goes right? The giant twisted his huge limbs, as if trying to avoid an answer, and yet not daring to do so. 'Do clergymen go about among the poor much, sir, at college, before they are ordained? Lancelot smiled, and shook his head. 'I thought so, sir. Our good vicar is like the rest hereabouts.

"Well, sir," said the rear-admiral, sternly, for he was no longer disposed to trifle with any of the crapulous set; "well, sir, what impertinence has brought you here?" "No impertinence at all, your honour; we carries none of that, in the old Planter. There being no young gentlemen, hereabouts, to report proceedings, I thought I'd just step in and do the duty with my own tongue.

An hour after he had left the sequoia group, Godfrey and his companion had come a mile only a mile for the path was not easy beneath the high vegetation and between the luxuriant shrubs. Neither one nor the other of our friends had seen anything suspicious. Hereabouts the trees thinned out for about a hundred yards or less, the river ran between naked banks, the country round was barer.

"I could have told you that the cat and dog supply was somewhat depleted hereabouts through my own experiments." "Father!" cried Ralph, his face eloquent with reproach. Laughing, yet secretly ashamed, Anthony Dexter began to speak. "Surely, Ralph," he said, "you're not so womanish as that. If I'd known they taught such stuff as that at my old Alma Mater, I'd have sent you somewhere else.

And passing Sir Richard the glass, I sat staring on this distant ship in no little apprehension, since I judged most vessels that plied hereabouts could be but one of two sorts, viz: pirates or Spaniards. "She is a great ship, Martin, and by her cut I think Spanish." "I had liefer she were a pirate!" said I, scowling.

This buttress jutted out at the lower corner of a little horse-shoe bay; and hereabouts, during summer, a shoal of minnows had often played, following each other in and out of every nook and cranny beneath the bank, or floating up and flashing in sun-flecked ripples faintly stirred by a breeze that wandered lightly from across the stream.

It is an accepted principle of law that this climate hath no fury like a woman left to herself, and we've got enough professional furies hereabouts without our aiding in augmenting the ranks. We must have a boat." "It'll cost you a thousand dollars a week," said Charon. "I'll subscribe fifty," cried Hamlet.

"O, I shouldn't wonder if we had a leetle wind afore long." "But if we don't, will we drift back again into the Basin of Minas?" "O, dear, no. We can anchor hereabouts somewhar." "You won't anchor by this island, will you?" "O, dear, no. We'll have a leetle driftin first." As the captain spoke, he looked earnestly out upon the water. "Thar she comes," he cried at last, pointing over the water.

"For that there be too many of Giles hereabouts, and one Giles talketh enough for twenty. So will I to Walkyn that seldom talketh enough for one." So saying Roger arose, donned his shirt of mail and, buckling his sword about him, strode incontinent away.

We passed through Catrine, known hereabouts as "the clean village of Scotland." Certainly, as regards the point indicated, it has greatly the advantage of Mauchline, whither we now returned without seeing anything else worth writing about.